HiI'm a LiveCycle ES developer and new to AEM/AEM Forms and I have a problem:After the installation of AEM Forms 6.0 on JEE, this installs an 'old' Livecycle installation on JBOSS and an AEM installation on the same JBOSS, I noticed these two (LC and AEM) are interconnected, wich is also as I expect...
We are trying to allow a user/group to create new users, but only as a member of certain groups. We have multiple "brand" super user groups. Each "brand" super user should only be allowed to add a new user to groups for their brand. With our current configuration, the group assignment works proper...
General Query - Is there any way to determine all the possible properties that are allowed for a specific jcr:PrimaryType node in AEM?For instance, all the possible properties under cq:componentAppreciate any help provided. Thanks!
HiWe are developing a new project on ADOBE CQ.Is there any tool to check Code Quality for AEM Projects?Also, If the tool is not available , can anyone point me through Best Practises in CQ Projects?
Hi All, I'm exploring AEM Forms on OSGI (AEM 6.0 SP2 + AEM Forms 6 SP2).During form submit action I need to pass some hidden values. I created a simple component that generates following markup.<input type="hidden" name="username" value="admin" /> // value can keep changingClicking on submit action ...
If i make changes to a page which is already activated (published) ,do i need to reactivate again or replication agent will keep track of changes and publish
I developed a small adaptive form on AEM Forms 6.0 JEE (SP1 at the moment) and I'm facing a problem. The project is meant to be like below:A user fills in a form in the web-browser and submits it. On the submit a LC Workflow is started and a couple of other users have to approve/reject this form in...
Can anyone tell me if it's possible to render HTML5 forms from within Workbench? I can render forms as PDFs and HTML4 but I can't find anything n HTML5. If it is possible how would I do it?Thanks.
HiI'm developing an adaptive form for a customer which is submitted to a LC approval workflow. For this I installed Adobe AEM Forms 6.0 on JEE. On this JBOSS there is an author instance of AEM installed automatically. My question now is how do I setup/install the Publish instance?Am I going to need ...