I'm trying to export XML data from Livecycle Designer-based PDF in the latest Acrobat and Reader (both 2024.002.20736), but that functionality no longer seems to be present. I read somewhere that you're now supposed to do the following steps: From the All tools menu, select Prepare a form and then f...
We have an adaptive form that outputs a document of record. Currently the PDF that is produced by AEM is not tagged at all, i.e. heading, paragraph text etc. tags do not exist in the structure of the PDF. I found this documentation about how to enable tagging via a custom CXI file, but the ;Service...
<"moved from using the community">Hi everyone,I got an issue it seems no-one has already encounter and I am not able to understand why ..Context :Instance with AEM SP 6.5.17 and forms (adobe-aemfd-osx-pkg-6.0.968.zip) I got an issue on my form with core components and I tried to create an OOB instan...
I have attached/uploaded the required receipts and submitted the form; however, I get an email error to attach receipts, which I did. How do get this issue resolved?
AEM 6.5.19 with AEM Forms installed.I'm working on creating a custom submit action for forms so that I can decide if a form's email should go to email1 or email2 based on a form value. It should just be a copy of the OOTB Send email submit action with a small bit of custom code added. I've been wo...
Hi, I am new to forms. I am facing an issue where I am not able to get an upload presigned URI by using Adobe PDF Accessibility API. I have made a POST call to https://pdf-services-ew1.adobe.io/assetsI am receiving 415 Unsupported Media Type error. Kindly help/guide me here. Thank you.
I've been using LiveCycle/AEM Forms for a number of years, but at some point (maybe when my company made the switch to Windows 10, I'm not exactly sure) the Tab Order palette has become extremely cramped and hard to read. It looks like a row in Excel that hasn't been expanded to display everything ...
Hi,On AEMaaCS, I happened to use the adaptive form core components template (perhaps canvas3) to use adaptive form core components per adobe’s best practice suggestion but I also realized that using the components (older/foundation ones) like scribble , adobe sign , table just does not work within t...
Hi Everyone,I am trying to build an Adobe web form that syncs the data to Excel. I want to validate the phone number on input - the number will be the Philippines. How do I do this using the Custom Regular Expression?As a secondary question, is it also possible to set the web form for the number to ...