Hi,I'm working with AEM Forms in AEM 6.5.8 and at the time of submiting a form, the forms trigger requests with jcr:content instead of _jcr_content POST /content/forms/af/.../jcr:content/guideContainer.af.internalsubmit.jspPOST /content/forms/af/.../jcr:content/guideContainer.af.submit.jsp These req...
The QRCode object which I added in XDP for a form is disappearing in browser, but it is appearing in Acrobat reader. So I tried creating QRCode image using Zxing library and embedded into PDF using PDFBOX library. Now the QRCode can be seen in browser but not in Acrobat. In Acrobat the QRCode object...
Hello Everyone, Currently I have an XPD template form that is uploaded in AEM 6.5, and a piece of code converts this form and renders it as HTML5 form. In the browser when I access this HTML form, I can view the source code and its scripts by right clicking the mouse and selecting the 'View page so...
Hi,I´m currently designing some dynamic forms in Designer, where later on different Reader Extensions will be assigned to via ARES server.Is there any way in Javascript within the PDF to determine which Extensions/Rights have been assigned or to list the extensions?regardsAl
Sir.Link to the actual file https://www.dropbox.com/s/0508by0lmlf77rc/repeatable%20Dropdown%20to%20another%20Dropdown%20which%20is%20also%20repeatable..pdf?dl=0 I have 2 dropdowns 1st is in a repeating table and 2nd one is in a repeatable subform1st dropdown has options say Option1, Option2 ...
Sir,Actual file link : https://www.dropbox.com/s/0508by0lmlf77rc/repeatable%20Dropdown%20to%20another%20Dropdown%20which%20is%20also%20repeatable..pdf?dl=0 I have a Table of which Row2 is repeatable which contain a Dropdowns with options(1st column) & a Text field (2nd column). Below that i have a ...
Sir, I have a table of 2 columns and a repeating row (Row2) of which Cell1 is a Dropdown field and Cell2 is a Text Field I have another subform which is also repeatable which as Textfield. Now i want that whenever user selects the Dropdown the same value should be set to the Textfield (in the S...
Adobe form with reader extensions enabled the dynamic table displays an extra row in reader but not acrobat any ideas to resolve? In designer Row1 binding Repeat Row for Each Data Item is checked as well as Min Count set to 1. When I open form in Acrobat DC the table displays one row as expected but...
Hello everyone, i'm creating some XDP forms with AEM Livecycle designer and then i open in HTML using the browser.The form title in the web browser is always LC Forms. How can i change it using livecycle or via code? Thank you very much. Kind regards
Getting errorInternal Server ErrorCannot serve request to /content/xfaforms/profiles/default.print.pdf in com.adobe.forms.web.servlets.LCFormsRenderServlet