Hi,I have a XDP form that has 3 pages. When this form is rendered as HTML5, it is set to have only the main first page visible and the remaining 2 pages as hidden (exclude from layout). When a check box is clicked in the main page then the remaining 2 pages become visible and allow the user to enter...
Hi Community Members,I wanted to setup PostgreSQL as DataSource for AEM Forms. I have configured "Apache Sling Connection Pooled DataSource" for Postgres with below details:Postgres is now available as DataSource during create new Form Model however getting an error message "Error in fetching DataSo...
Hello everyone, I am encountering an issue with my dynamic PDF form that includes numerous subforms, some of which are initially excluded from the layout. The visibility of these subforms is dependent on the values of checkbox, dropdown, or textbox fields. My challenge arises when attempting to esta...
I have setup new AEM cloud local instance using aem-sdk-quickstart-2023.10.13804.20231005T183332Z-231000 jar and it is starting successfully but after I add AEM forms version aem-forms-addon-2023.10.25.00-231000.far AEM, instance starts but when I navigate to AEM forms to view Forms and Documents it...
Hello community. I hope you are doing well. I will I have faced an issue while creating a form basing on an xsd schema. We use core components (and a template with the core page component).Although the schema is valid, Data Source is emty after creating a form.If use the same schema for creating a f...
Dear colleagues (especially the fellows from Adobe!),we need an urgent help (or at least a suggestion). Years ago we created a form using Adobe Experience Manager, now we try top open and edit it in Adobe Experience Manager -- Forms (Ver, but receive an errorXml-Analysis err...
Hi Everyone, We have a Form-A which has some fields like firstname(value=fname) and lastname(lname) etc. We use(EMbed/Include ) this Form-A in Form B and then in Email template we doFirst Name: ${fname}<br>Last Name: ${lname}<br> But in response after submitting the form we get the same response not...
Hello Community,I was using the below code snippet provided by Adobe for getting multiple file attachments and sending an email using Email Service provided by ACS Commons:https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/forms/adaptive-forms-authoring/authoring-adapti...
I've just installed AEM Workbench v6.5.0. When I open workbench, I can login to the server and retrieve the definitions without a problem. However, when I try to open a form using Designer, I get the error below. Any ides what could be causing this? Thanks
Hi All, We are experiencing an error when trying to open Form Data Model, and which is preventing data source panel from opening up. Has anyone encountered a similar issue or can provide any guidance or pointers to resolve this. aem - 6.5.17