Hello, I cannot deploy adobe-livecycle-jboss.ear to JBoss EAP 7.4.10 with AEM6.5.18.This is a fresh install on W2019, with JBoss Cluster based on JBoss.zip file from AEM Installer. Complete error msg is in attached file.But I see this : WFLYSRV0059: Class Path entry commons-collections-3.2.2.jar in ...
HiI have created a simple demo to illustrate the use case of starting with an adaptive form. Then you realize you are not able to complete the form online, so you download a PDF version of the form to be filled in offline mode using Acrobat/ReaderTo submit the form, you get back to the Adaptive Form...
Dear All, From my previous post (https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/read-the-last-name-value-from-the-testfile-xml/m-p/621772#M155908)when I am trying to get all Lastnames from the XML file , then I am getting error.When I am trying to call nodes.item(i).getTe...
Dear Experts, I'm using Adobe Life Cycle Designer to create a form. binding through a data connection. wanted to hide a few fields depending on a value. Depending on the value a field becomes invisible, but a blank area will always remain on the screen. If the field is hidden, do assist in removing ...
We have a form with about 246 fields on it and we get these errors repeating after line 4880:Invalid append operation: field cannot have a child element of fontThe element [font] has violated its allowable number of occurrences.The fault occurred on line 4881.Invalid append operation: field cannot h...
I have a fairly big form, 17 tables some as big as 18 columns, over 1000 lines in total.On my local development machine the form opens successfully albeit a little bit slow. But when I deploy to any other environment (dev, QA, UAT) the form refuses to open if more than a certain amount of tables are...