Hello Community,Adding HTML tags to Email template box on Form Submission (submit action = Send email) returns the tags as text and doesn't render the styles in the email.Example:<div style="color: blue;">Hello ${firstName} ${lastName}</div>How do we put HTML tags and render them appropriately in th...
Hi community members, I'm working on a PDF form in Adobe Experience Manager. Currently, I can highlight the entire object border when it's empty using code and subsequent output.function highlightField(field) { field.borderColor = "255,0,0"; // Set border color to red } However, I'd like to focu...
Recently I tried creating an Adaptive form using xdp as a template in AemAACS, but I don't see the option of uploaded xdp file in model while creating the form, if xdp files are not used for creating forms anymore what are the xdp files or designer forms used for?
We have been using Libs based components for an On-premise solution. Now we are looking at Core Forms components for an AEMaaCS solution.Previously we had used the GuideBridge for handling some functionalityhttps://developer.adobe.com/experience-manager/reference-materials/6-5/forms/javascript-api/G...
Hello, I cannot deploy adobe-livecycle-jboss.ear to JBoss EAP 7.4.10 with AEM6.5.18.This is a fresh install on W2019, with JBoss Cluster based on JBoss.zip file from AEM Installer. Complete error msg is in attached file.But I see this : WFLYSRV0059: Class Path entry commons-collections-3.2.2.jar in ...
HiI have created a simple demo to illustrate the use case of starting with an adaptive form. Then you realize you are not able to complete the form online, so you download a PDF version of the form to be filled in offline mode using Acrobat/ReaderTo submit the form, you get back to the Adaptive Form...
Dear All, From my previous post (https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/read-the-last-name-value-from-the-testfile-xml/m-p/621772#M155908)when I am trying to get all Lastnames from the XML file , then I am getting error.When I am trying to call nodes.item(i).getTe...
Dear Experts, I'm using Adobe Life Cycle Designer to create a form. binding through a data connection. wanted to hide a few fields depending on a value. Depending on the value a field becomes invisible, but a blank area will always remain on the screen. If the field is hidden, do assist in removing ...