

Need help with Adobe Experience Manager integration with Salesforce


Level 2

Hello everyone,


I'm having trouble connecting Adobe Experience Manager with Salesforce for a project I'm working on. I'm specifically attempting to determine how to:

  • Sync the two systems' data (e.g. customer information)
  • Utilize Adobe Experience Manager to collect data that Salesforce may use for lead scoring and other marketing automation tasks
  • Personalize content in Adobe Experience Manager using Salesforce data

I've studied the material and conducted some research, but I still can't seem to find a solution that fits my particular use case. Has this kind of integration been carried before before? If yes, would you kindly offer your knowledge, along with any advice or ideal procedures you may have?



I appreciate your assistance in advance!

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Community Advisor

@vivek101  We tried this long back and below are some tips. You can get in touch with your internal Salesforce team to get more clarity on the same. 


A connector within the Adobe Experience Manager application stack that will allow for a bi-directional communication between AEM and Salesforce.com. This connection will leverage the Salesforce.com REST API and will be built with the Salesforce.com standard object model in mind allowing for re-use across the multiple Salesforce.com organizations within your org with little to no changes.


Authenticating with Salesforce
The Platform must authenticate with Salesforce before it can perform any sort of queries against the Salesforce.com API. Authentication within Salesforce follows the OAuth2 methodology described in detail in the link below. Once the development team has been provided with a client _secret and client_key, they will place that information into the Salesforce Connector Configuration and it will be utilized to authenticate the application against Salesforce for all REST API queries.


Relevant Documentation Links:
Salesforce.com Lead Object Model Reference - https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_objects_lead.htm 
Salesforce.com REST API Documentation - https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/intro_what_is_rest_api.htm 
Setting Up an OAuth2 Authentication - https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/intro_rest.htm 


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Community Advisor

@vivek101  We tried this long back and below are some tips. You can get in touch with your internal Salesforce team to get more clarity on the same. 


A connector within the Adobe Experience Manager application stack that will allow for a bi-directional communication between AEM and Salesforce.com. This connection will leverage the Salesforce.com REST API and will be built with the Salesforce.com standard object model in mind allowing for re-use across the multiple Salesforce.com organizations within your org with little to no changes.


Authenticating with Salesforce
The Platform must authenticate with Salesforce before it can perform any sort of queries against the Salesforce.com API. Authentication within Salesforce follows the OAuth2 methodology described in detail in the link below. Once the development team has been provided with a client _secret and client_key, they will place that information into the Salesforce Connector Configuration and it will be utilized to authenticate the application against Salesforce for all REST API queries.


Relevant Documentation Links:
Salesforce.com Lead Object Model Reference - https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_objects_lead.htm 
Salesforce.com REST API Documentation - https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/intro_what_is_rest_api.htm 
Setting Up an OAuth2 Authentication - https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/intro_rest.htm