For a new contract to AEM Assets Why is the AEM Sites Available, I can see our customer has provisioned dev, stage, and production AEM sites environment... but all they need are AEM Sites...
Hello, I am trying to add metadata fields in the properties section of experience fragments on AEMaaCS. I am aware that I would have to create a metadata schema, similar how one would do for content fragments and experience fragments. However I am unable to find a way to add a metadata schema to an ...
When searching for files in AEM Desktop App the results that I'm getting are files that have an incorrect title, but do have the file name that I'm looking for but they don't show. The list of results is a list of file titles instead of file names. Is there a way of only seeing the file names and no...
I have a QA environment where the Scene7 configuration is working normally. I cloned this configuration from QA(/conf/global/settings/cloudconfigs/dmscene7) to Stage for Scene7, but I encountered the following error.Please help advance about this approach: 03.12.2024 09:46:21.784 [cm-p73952-e729754-...
when uploading asset to aem cloud through user interface it takes few seconds to get all the images and renditions appear. Image doesn't appear it shows processing. Sometimes even small files take time, is there a way to speed up the upload of this process
Hi, I guess I have two related questions: 1) When moving assets through folder structure - why are the folders not sorted in alphabetical order? There is not even an option to sort them... The folders are in random order, or are they in the order of date created? 2) Why is the sort by Type not worki...
I have a bulk publishing workflow and would like to add a step to email me when the workflow is complete.I found the "send email upon completion of transient workflow" but it does not seem to work.Could be its not a transient workflow, or I'm missing something in the workflow setup. went through the above document and seems like .HEIC file format is unsupported for asset viewing.Our creative team wants to upload such files in DAM but unfortu...