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After code deployment to AEM, jcr:primaryType gets converted to nt:folder from nt:unstructured


Level 2

Hi Everyone, we tried to implement synonyms in AEM. We followed the steps in this blog:


It is already working on the local however to implement this changes to AEM instance, we need to add the changes to the solution and build. After building the solution, it is no longer working in AEM instance. 





Actual Result:



I would like to know if you have encountered this issue? 

6 Replies


Community Advisor

It seems the primary type has changed from a file to a folder here. Please click on the folder and check the properties. You can modify the jcr:primaryType=sling:Folder to the correct primaryType by doing a comparison on local setup.

Usual types can be:

sling:OsgiConfig, dam:Asset etc. 

Also share the logs here which can help identify the issue further.


Level 2

Yes it seems that after deployment, the jcr:primaryType gets converted to nt:folder from nt:unstructured. There's no error in the logs, I only see this:


27.01.2021 21:46:43.348 *INFO* 

org.apache.jackrabbit.vault.packaging.impl.ActivityLog com.test.assets:assets-test.ui.apps:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT: INSTALL 2021-01-27 21:46:43.348 DEBUG [com.test.assets.core.listeners.SimpleResourceListener] Resource event: org/apache/sling/api/resource/Resource/ADDED at: /oak:index/Lucene/analyzers/default/filters/Synonym/synonym.txt/jcr:content 2021-01-27 21:46:43.348 DEBUG [com.test.assets.core.listeners.SimpleResourceListener] Resource event: org/apache/sling/api/resource/Resource/ADDED at: /oak:index/Lucene/analyzers/default/filters/Synonym/synonym.txt/jcr:content 2021-01-27 21:46:43.348 DEBUG [com.test.assets.core.listeners.SimpleResourceListener] Resource event: org/apache/sling/api/resource/Resource/ADDED at: /oak:index/Lucene/analyzers/default/filters/Synonym 2021-01-27 21:46:43.348 DEBUG [com.test.assets.core.listeners.SimpleResourceListener] Resource event: org/apache/sling/api/resource/Resource/ADDED at: /oak:index/Lucene/analyzers/default/filters/Synonym 2021-01-27 21:46:43.348 DEBUG [com.test.assets.core.listeners.SimpleResourceListener] Resource event: org/apache/sling/api/resource/Resource/ADDED at: /oak:index/Lucene/analyzers/default/filters/Synonym/synonym.txt 2021-01-27 21:46:43.348 DEBUG [com.test.assets.core.listeners.SimpleResourceListener] Resource event: org/apache/sling/api/resource/Resource/ADDED at: /oak:index/Lucene/analyzers/default/filters/Synonym/synonym.txt 2021-01-27 21:46:43.349 DEBUG [com.test.assets.core.listeners.SimpleResourceListener] Resource event: org/apache/sling/api/resource/Resource/ADDED at: /oak:index/Lucene/analyzers/default/filters 2021-01-27 21:46:43.349 DEBUG [com.test.assets.core.listeners.SimpleResourceListener] Resource event: org/apache/sling/api/resource/Resource/ADDED at: /oak:index/Lucene/analyzers/default/filters 2021-01-27 21:46:43.349 DEBUG [com.test.assets.core.listeners.SimpleResourceListener] Resource event: org/apache/sling/api/resource/Resource/ADDED at: /oak:index/Lucene/analyzers/default 2021-01-27 21:46:43.349 DEBUG [com.test.assets.core.listeners.SimpleResourceListener] Resource event: org/apache/sling/api/resource/Resource/ADDED at: /oak:index/Lucene/analyzers/default 2021-01-27 21:46:43.349 DEBUG [com.test.assets.core.listeners.SimpleResourceListener] Resource event: org/apache/sling/api/resource/Resource/ADDED at: /oak:index/Lucene/analyzers 2021-01-27 21:46:43.349 DEBUG [com.test.assets.core.listeners.SimpleResourceListener] Resource event: org/apache/sling/api/resource/Resource/ADDED at: /oak:index/Lucene/analyzers


Level 4

Hi ,

This issue we recenty encounter and its because when we package the oak synonynms it will have only one content.xml file which includes all nodes and its types information like nt:unstructured.

So instead of putting same structure in IDE for build we need to add content.xml in each level with node details primary type.

Like in your case content.xml on same level of analyser folder and need to put the .content.xml whith primaryType as nt:unstructure, and instead of <jcr:root> you need to add <analyser>. Same for other node also.


Please let me know if you require more info



Level 2
Hi Khamat! Thank you for your response. We have tried this unfortunately, changes are not reflected after deployment. Any idea why it was not reflected?


Level 4

Please check filter.xml and add 
<filter root="/oak:index/damAssetLucene" mode="merge"/>


Level 2

We already have that one in our filter.xml. I shared to you the xml files.