My client has reported 2 issues as
1. They deleted those variants of CF a long time ago ( about 10 variants in CF)
The process was deleted successfully and did not have any errors showing. But when they reappeared
2. When access this link
sometimes she didn't see her CF, and I double-check with her CF directly at
I see it.
Please advance some approach to research this issues.
I guess maybe the domain
not stable.
Many Thanks
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I guess you are referring to the new Content Fragment Editor of AEM as a Cloud Service (AEMaaCS). This is a new UI that fully relies on the new sets of Content Fragment (CF) APIs that are publically available. The easiest way to troubleshoot what's going on is to understand which APIs are being invoked and why they may give you different results, which most likely in your case is the Fragment Variation endpoint. You can use the playground to check how the APIs behave over your own content. This way, you can easily see why and where the results may vary.
You can access the playground and check the API documentation here:
I hope this helps.
Thanks for your valuable ideas, I have check with when I delete a variant of b2899795-5224-4584-9ca6-cc392ceddeed is test_2.
With CF new Editor:
curl DELETE: <<host>>/adobe/sites/cf/fragments/b2899795-5224-4584-9ca6-cc392ceddeed/variations/test_2
With Old Editor (Assert/Folder/CF/..)
curl <<host>>/content/dam/../../cf_name.cfm.content.json?operation=remove&variation=test_2
Maybe difference about 2 methods when I deleted the an variant has some errors.
So I refer to use the old editor CF to delete and add new variants, I think it can troubleshoot the issues.
And Can you share your experiences about this. How do you think
You may verify jcr:content & metadata property to cross verify when and by whom modified or created, whether get installed along with some package.
Thanks you, so they were complained about that those variants re-appeared again sometimes. Only 1 person modified it.
Issues the process deleted variant successfully, but not real.