Hello! We have noticed that more companies are mailing to users based on their preferences. So for example, if a customer wants to hear more about lipstick, they will receive marketing emails based on lipstick. Or if a user doesn't want to receive and emails about Father's/Mother's Day marketing ema...
Does Adobe Campaign Standard have connection with snowflake. I know classic has this feature but is this an offering with standard as well ? If not will this happen soon ?
hello I am using transfer file to send some information to my sftp folders.I was wondering if its possible to send the file directly to email? i have searched extensively about it and there does seem to be suggestion that it can be done but i cant figure out how to set up the protocol so it works? ...
hello i have an audience import i need to setup which will refresh each day and will wipe the data then repopulate. The audience sits on my sftp network.In order to run this for the first time, i have used transfer file - load file, however this has errored. I assume because there is no column defin...
Hi all,Context:Transactional email through Message Center needing values calculated, mainly for date formatting purposes. There are multiple places where this is needed and in different formats.Question:Can all the variables be defined in a single content block and called in the body of the Email li...
Hi everybody,we need to know if it is possible to enable tracking parameters previously configured on Brand Configuration, only for a single delivery without cancel those parameters from the Brand Configuration . Is it possible?
Hello Everyone, I try to fix on issue on something it seems to be a basic usecase but i can't find relevant help on that topic.I have a landing page to collect postal addresses from an audience and i have an email with a link to these landing page. Both are created on ACS. I thought that if I just c...
Within the Legacy editor when I go to add a URL to a button, the text losses the correct style form.In addition to not being in the correct style form the when I look at the HTML the span tags aren't there anymore. Just wondering if anyone else has had this issue and if so how to fix it, so I don't ...
Hello!I was looking through profiles today and I noticed that some have notused in front of them. For example "notused.name@email.com".What does this mean?
I am running into an error on a workflow scheduled to run daily at a set time. It launched ok on the first day but has failed for the next 2 days. It seems to break at the point of the delivery.Error in the workflow is - DLV-490002 Cannot start a new analysis of the delivery since current state ('Fi...