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Foreign Language options


Level 1

Hi all,

We're are currently switching from Salesforce/Exact Target to ACM and are running into a problem with our footers. We have a list of a few different languages (several of which are script characters). When we are sending, these characters are showing as upside down "???". Salesforce was able to send the text fine, so I'm wondering if it is doable in ACM as well?

The issue is with live text, not an image or anything like that.

Thanks in advance.


4 Replies


Employee Advisor

Hi JP,

Adobe Campaign can support different languages and encodings.  That said, we'd need to know which characters are not displaying correctly in order to investigate further.




Community Advisor


Check your db encoding, should be utf-8/16/32.




Level 10

Hi Jessip,

Upside down ? character is usually the way for Oracle db to display bad encoded character.
Is it an Oracle database?

In that case, as wodnicki​ told it, check the db encoding, utf8 or ISO8859P13, for instance.

Most often it comes because you inserted Win1252/ISO8859P* encoded data into utf8 character set database, or the inverted thing.

You should also check NLS_LANG/NLS_LANGUAGE if you imported data not with the Adobe Campaign worfklow collection activity, but with another ETL tool (such as SSIS, Talend, Informatica).

But if you still use Salesforce with connector and replace only Exact Target by ACC, it is a bit different, but linked to the NLS behavior.

It is the same behavior with other engines (SQL Server, MySql etc) but other displays "bad" characters instead of upside down ? sign.

The same kind of issue occurs with html templates, with copy/paste for instance declared utf8 html content but actually copied from other tool with ISO8859P*/Win1252/Mac/etc character encoding.



Level 1

Hi Jean-Serge Biron,

So I am not in charge of setting up the DB, just making the email that they are currently using to test send. I sent this info over to the team in the hopes that they are able to adjust accordingly.

Thanks for the suggestions! I hope they are able to implement that fix correctly.