Hi Everyone, I’m learning about input forms. I have 6 parameters, and I want the second parameter to become visible as soon as the user starts typing in the previous parameter. For example:When I type something in Parameter 1, Parameter 2 should appear, and so on for the rest. This functionality wor...
Hello, We have an issue with users using the 'Keep the result of interim populations' option to validate data in their workflows, and leaving it enabled. This option is not recommended by Adobe for Production environments, as it stores data in temporary tables and takes up disk space, affecting inst...
When Updating the Databse structure, I see:-- Log: Updating table 'NmsBroadLogRcp'DROP INDEX nmsbroadlogrcp_event;When this happens? That index will be created again automatically?
I've 10 M records in recipients. Last time I did a "full" updated based on "myfield" , there were 9.5M records updated but 0.5M were not. I guess because these 0.5M were not found based on "myfield". Since they were not present at the moment of the update, there was not match based on "myfield".How...
Hi Adobe team,Request you to explain below points of sub workflow activity in Adobe campaign classic.1. Why does a child workflow need to start with an "End Jump (1)" and end with a "Start Jump (2)"?Is there any specific logic behind how Adobe handles this in the back end?2. If I save my sub-workflo...
In v7 you do everything in the Client console programm installed on your PC or Laptop.Depending on your administratives rights, you can add operator, create schemas and workflows, and send campaigns.But in v8 you can login via web to launch campaigns. Some people has told me, you can even create sch...
HelloWe have deployed a web application for one-click unsubscription provided by adobe. The web app includes customizations to track the Delivery ID and update specific fields as required.Issue Details:The web app has been published successfully, and the unsubscribe button is visible in the emails s...
Hi @ParthaSarathy Request you to explain the difference between an external signal and a sub-workflow in Adobe campaign classic, because not able to understand after reading the documentation.Also, please provide the configuration steps for both, along with some use cases.This would be really helpfu...
Hey adobe campaign classic 7 wizards, i'm in bit of a bind here.Suddenly we can't upload pictures to our tracking / web server.we get this error IOB-090020 Error in SSL library: 'IOB-090013 error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed (code 337047686)'XSV-3500...
Hi AllWhile trying to run a JSSP in adobe campaign classic v7, I am getting below error.XML-110009 Unable to find the element 'Body' of path '/' (document with schema 'SOAP-ENV:Envelope') Could anyone help me on this. I am trying to offer using soap call as per the adobe documentation.Integration vi...