Hi Is there any interaction between capacity typology and Delivery waves. For example if I set an email capacity typology of 200,000 emails per hour and have an email with 300,000 recipients set to go out in two waves of 150,000 1 hour apart, will the capacity typology take into account the waves ...
Need to upload image files in File resource using web application in Adobe campaign.For us a record is getting created in File Resource but the file is not getting uploaded.Message was edited by: Alolika Mukherji Tried the solution given in How to Upload a file using Webapp Adobe Campaign?[How to U...
Hi Team,We have experienced a Issue in summary for certain deliveries after they have been executed and reached finished state.For Some of our deliveries Success(total email sent) is more than actual Targeted population.Below is the snapshot for the same:-In this case we have target of 2424 however ...
Hello Folks,What are the steps required for setting up an FTP Server in campaign? Also i want to export an file to the given directory. Can it be done using a workflow like File Transfer activity or do we need to write a JavaScript functionality? Please provide your inputsQuick help is appreciated R...
Hi All,Can one tell me how and where to apply change dimension in below scenarioQ1 - I am query from recipient table Q2 - I am query based on fields from filtering dimension here my targeting dim is recipient and filtering dimension is custom table say AAAI am using intersection to get recipient sat...
We are having problems sending Transactional PUSH notification BatchEvents when using SOAP calls. All the messages are Ignored by Delivery (Status #11). This issue only occours using the BatchEvent Service. For the same Registration token, on the same event and mobileApp it works using rtEventIt loo...
Good morning, I've been having a hard time since yesterday because I can't access the data that is in a one to many table in the database.This is the case, I want to send a e-mail to an Employee, using data from one of the month and all the flights of that month.So far I've not been able to find the...
Hello,Some of our Campaign users have been using Adobe Target recently and are getting into multi-armed bandit testing, and now they are asking for the same functionality in Campaign Classic. Do anyone know if this is anything that is being developed for Campaign Classic, or perhaps Standard? I gues...
HiI'm working on a solution that would scan planned deliveries for URLs (in their HTML Source) and cURL those URLs and check their HTTP Response. Goal is to avoid sending campaigns with broken URLs.Now, I have the 2nd bit (cURLing) complete, however I cannot figure out how to obtain all the URLs (an...