Hi, We tried to enable pipeline process in Adobe campaign following below steps. Steps:Install pipeline package Install OpenSSL in server to create public/private keysGenerate public/private keysRegister public key in Adobe AnalyticsEncrypt Private key using pipeline encrypted workflowModify pipeli...
I saw this question and attempted to test the same but unfortunately couldn't get it to work with either a zip or gz. my js ended up looking like: var cmdStr="unzip -j /folder/folder/folder/tester.zip -d folder/folder/folder";var res=execCommand(cmdStr); i also read elsewhere that decompressing a fi...
Hi - I have created a Temp table via JS in my workflow and want to insert data from the working table in that temp table, is it possible? If yes can you help me with JS for it? Regards,Tushar Varshney
Hello, Is it possible to use a Recurring Delivery activity inside a subworkflow? I currently have a Recurring Delivery activity inside one, but if I try to run the main Workflow, an error is triggered: "Cannot start a new analysis of the delivery since current state ('Finished') does not allow it."....
Hi Folks, I want to use the SQL activity in the workflow and found that there is an option to use Conditional content in the SQL Code. Just want to know, how to use the field name(highlighted in black) from the temp table in the workflow? Thanks,Nitesh.
Hi everyone, Our system engineer sometimes provides us with the names of the wkf-tables created by workflows causing trouble on the system.Usually it's possible to derive the workflow directly from these id's, but not always. Example 1The table with name wkf539349321_11438_1 is created by the workfl...
Bonjour ,J'aimerais exporter mes segments vers des solutions externes.Ces solutions proposent de matcher nos clients avec leur profil utilisateur via le Custom Matching.Ce custom matching s'intègre différement en fonction du partenaire.Par exemple : Google ads https://support.google.com/google-ads/a...
Hello everybody,Is there a smart way to find the reasons why the recipient was kicked out of a split with multiple conditions at Adobe Campaign Classic?
Hi Folks, Can you please help in, how to implement custom JS functions which can be used in the expr of the data schema attribute.Something similar to the below-mentioned expression.expr="AESEncrypt(@id)"Want to use the custom created functions rather than the AESEncrypt. Any help or suggestion in t...
Hi Folks, I want to generate the encrypted personalized parameter for the URL in the email CTA.These parameters will be encrypted using the AES algorithm using the custom keys, salt, and iv.To achieve, this I am using the CryptoJS library in the adobe campaign classic. This process requires the Java...