Hi, Does ACC have unique Identifier of an email? For example, If Person 'A' and Person 'B' received both email 'X' and 'Y', there is 4 unique identifiers for each email & person(email address) combination.
I am working through a set of adobe online courses at https://adobe-atsww.sabacloud.com. The current course I am registered for references an adobe training instance that I do not have access to. The training instance includes tables required for the exercises that do not exist in our test insta...
Hi All,I have the below query.i have created a web form using html activity (not V5) , in the web form I am collecting some data in text form, now i want to store this value in context variuable.For eg Context variable created in web application with name : my_purchase_numberIn the web form there is...
Hello,i want to use the following code in a javascript activity but im getting an error : var myPromise = new Promise(function(myResolve, myReject) { setTimeout(function() { myResolve("I love You !!"); }, 3000); }); myPromise.then(function(value) { logInfo('Helllo Promise : '+value); }); this is...
Hi all, I am trying to upload a HTML content with relative image path. Publication is not set to NONE. It is asking me publish the images and when I click Yes, I am getting the following error message: BAS-010014 Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Campaign Classic v7 Client\#005DA...
Dear all,I have a question regarding reusing the randomly split groups used for one A/B test in another email delivery. Essentially an A/B test is carried out initially for one email delivery, and the target population is split into two groups for the A/B test. Now we want to reuse these split group...
Hi All, I have a query, I have created a web form, where the user will input the details.I need to match if those details are available in the column of a schema,For eg user enters ABCD4444567HGF, this should be present in the purchase table and on successful match, user details which are on the rec...
Hi Everyone, I was trying to understand the process which writes the data into nmstrackingURL table.Can someone help locate the code for me? Thanks & Regards,Matsa