Hello AllI am working on a use case where recipient schema will have 1-N cardinality with a custom schema called articles where all the articles a recipient is eligible to receive is stored.In delivery template, i am looping through the collection link between the two schemas and displaying the arti...
I need to integrate adobe campaign with google analytics and retrieve back data from GA to adobe campaign. How can I do that? I need my customer id information send to Adobe campaign back from GA
Hi all,We've realised that the mirror page in our proofs/test emails sometimes doesn't work or it does but for a very short period (maybe 5-10 mins). Whenever the mirror page stops working the following error message appears: A technical error has occured: Bad mirror page; rc=404 com.neolane.fwk.cor...
Hi team,we want to show some inbound offers on portal , we are planning to use API to handle this , can we use API for mentioned version of application server also we want response in table format by sending some parameters, But initially I want feasibility of API for above application server.
Hello Folks,I am trying to import a package comprising of a Campaign (nms:operation) and few Tasks (nms:task) associated with it. Note that these tasks got created because of presence of a workflow which is having several task activities.However I received following error during import14:46:50 > Enu...
Hi All, stype column is somehow dropped from NMSDelivery schema in our instance............now since nms delivery schema is an out of the box schema provided by adobe ,,,how can we add this column into nms delivery schema...do we need to take adobe help or we can do it on our own and how??????.plz h...
Hello All, We are facing one error while creating new Targetting workflow in Adobe Campaign.Just FYI: We have created 3 new tables in Adobe Campaign and published them most probably since then We are facing this error while Workflow creationPFA error snapshotMost probable cause of this issue as per...
I have created a workflow where I'm extracting data and exporting the required column in csv format to SFTP location. But in case there are 0 records I have to export blank csv file to SFTP with headers only. Can you please guide how this can be achieved. Currently it creates blank file without hea...
Hello everyone.we are currently working on a custom connector (using js and post processing workflow associated to an external account).to make it simple : users create a delivery, write the message, associated a scheduling date and start the campaign.the post processing workflow create the deliver...
Hi all, I am currently trying to create a toggle button that will display "English" when I click on the English button or "French" when I click on the French button. How can I set up the English button so when it is clicked it shows the English page and when the French button is clicked it shows th...