In data loading activity of workflow, how can we create a file in which rejected records will get stored in data loading activity and where to find the file and access it.
in the rejection file do we need to specify a simple name of path of the file? Can someone tell me right way of doing it?
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Hello @ashish_gra,
We are using the following steps to store the rejected files.
1. First we created a folder on server for rejected files.
For e.g E:/data/AdobeCampaign/Import/rejects
You can create this other location as per your server access.
2. When importing file, then we pre calculating the full file path and name for rejected file.
Like vars.rejectFile = "E:/data/AdobeCampaign/Import/rejects/"+vars.fileName+".reject"
For e.g my file name is recipinentData20200601.csv
Then reject file full path will be "E:/data/AdobeCampaign/Import/rejects/recipinentData20200601.csv.reject"
If you are using only once, then you can give the rejected file name hard coded. Otherwise you can automate it with JS.
3. Then define it in the data loading activity.
4. When you run data loading activity, it will store the rejected records there.
Usually, if you don't give a path, or a relative one, the file are stored from the working directory (not sure but something like $(installDir)/nl6/var/$(instanceName)). You can give an absolute path if you're sure that neolane user have the right to write into.
I think you should get a look into the next activity task once you've run the workflow, I'm not sure but I won't be surprised that the event has a variable with the full file path (vars.XXX). Just look into the task. (or maybe in the workflow logs ?)
Hello @ashish_gra,
We are using the following steps to store the rejected files.
1. First we created a folder on server for rejected files.
For e.g E:/data/AdobeCampaign/Import/rejects
You can create this other location as per your server access.
2. When importing file, then we pre calculating the full file path and name for rejected file.
Like vars.rejectFile = "E:/data/AdobeCampaign/Import/rejects/"+vars.fileName+".reject"
For e.g my file name is recipinentData20200601.csv
Then reject file full path will be "E:/data/AdobeCampaign/Import/rejects/recipinentData20200601.csv.reject"
If you are using only once, then you can give the rejected file name hard coded. Otherwise you can automate it with JS.
3. Then define it in the data loading activity.
4. When you run data loading activity, it will store the rejected records there.