Server : Window server 2019 (64bit) Application : Adobe Campaign Classic v7 (64 bit) Open JDK : When i setup Adobe Campaign Classic v7 getting problem. I tried this solution
Hii Team ,Yash this side writing this post for need your help while accessing my adobe campaign classic sandbox , i got the user id and password but when i trying to download the software it needs the id and password first and after giving the same , telling invalid id or password Could you guys pl...
Hello,I want to hide enable certain fields in the approval task response based on the what you set in approval task in workflow. Basically I need to read something from activity validation in the - Task approval (xtk) xtk taskWizardso I can hide or show certain approval options thanks for any advice...
Hi all,I need support to use Azure Blob External Account. I configured it with all the needed information. Now I'm trying to read a file from Azure. I tried download, test if a file exists, but I had always this error:CRL-290183 Error occurred while downloading 'XXXXX' from Azure Blob Storage (code ...
Hi Team,we are unable to set Adobe campaign classic unsubscription webApp charset to utf-8 and special chars are displaying as junk chars. We are facing the end page activity of the Unsubscription webApp. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks,Koti#adobecampaignclassic #webapps
Hi everyone,I'm trying to send an email to external email address using Adobe Campaign Classic. But it is failing on email delivery step. It says mismatch of nms:recipient and there are many other errors if I change configuration. - I have tried many combinations for this simple workflow. I just hav...
We have two groups of customers who are being emailed the same html, so it make sense to send them the same email delivery that contains this html. But we want to track the email engagement of each group separately. To achieve this we currently create two email deliveries with two different delivery...
Hi Team, I am using adobe campaign classic v7. When I duplicate a campaign, main campaign details and workflows are not populating in duplicate campaign. please help with the issue, let me know if any information is required
Hi Folks, We are connecting to Teradata from ACC. So if we run a workflow with keep interim results as checked lot of temp tables gets created and it's occupying a lot of space. Do you guys know how to drop these tables or is there any configuration to auto flush this. Note : We cannot uncheck the c...