Hi @robertc66522596 ,Hope you are doing well.Did you date the SFTP approach or uploaded the file to an RT instance directory directly or via a workflow?I am using the SFTP approach and the idea is RT instance will pick up the attachment file from SFTP when an event is triggered with the path. May I ...
Description - To investigate the data targeting data generated in workflow execution, keeping interim results is the best option. It is not recommended not to use it in live workflows, but at times this is needed in big campaigns. It would be nice to have a feature where a user can select only some...
Hi @Darren_Bowers,Came across the same recently and in case we just want to avoid the sqlExec from rights and security pov, the following approach works.
Just tried pass this as an child element instead as an attribute. Got some inspiration by looking at the "Edit XML" of the data in console.
Hi @Sanjana12 ,
May I know which object you are seeing in this behaviour?
If it is associated to any folder like Recipeints, make sure you both are pointing to same folder.
Hi @DishaSharma ,
As Ishan mentioned, it won't let you put another data type in integer field. If you would like to add more validation can use leave tag and retrun some error.
Hi @LakshmiPravallika ,
Do you have access to the database to check the definition of the sequence?
It is to do with "increment" in sequence definition. Is this patter causing any issues?
Hi Abhishek,
You can try using the following site to figure out how many characters and sms are needed for the text you are sending.
And as already mentioned, the encoding used decides the character limitation.
Hi @stefanm38281801 ,
I think it depends on the deployment model of your campaign installation.
If you have your execution instance on-premise and mid-sourcing managed by Adobe (which is mostly the case) you can set the Delivery mode to "Misourcing".
If you have Managed Service installation for al...
Thanks, @_Manoj_Kumar_ for the suggestion, really helpful.
Coming back to the main content of this post, it would be very helpful to have the ability to filter logs based on timestamps instead of the just date.