Hi, I'm trying to preload a checkbox on my Webpps form.(i'm using the HTML page variant) This is the method i'm using of trying to preload it. <input id="checkbox1" type="checkbox" <%=if(ctx.vars.commercial == '1'){%> checked="checked" <%}%> /> <label for="checkbox1"></label> But as soon as ...
i develop send sms and get the it's wsdl file, then import into postman, and use https://www.keyrus.tech:11443/nl/jsp/soaprouter.jsp to call to send sms, but it response 403 error, but when i use internal network to call, it response successful. external network call 403 error, internal network cal...
Hello All, We have a common workflow with an External signal at the start.This workflow is called multiple times by various other workflows, sometimes 15/20 per minute. We want to process each request 1 by 1, rather than in bulk. i.e When one request gets completed the next request should be picked ...
Hi Team, I want to know how to find the size of a schema (table) in Adobe Campaign Classic v7 via Console. Please let us know if there is any possibility to find out the size directly in the Campaign Console instead of checking it in the Control Panel. Thanks,Raviteja Gundu
when use postman via soap, it shows JST-310001 Error while evaluating a JavaScript code, line 1: (void 0) is not a function. here is my js code, is there any style error. function cus_smsApiService_SendSingleSms(userid,pwd,mobile,content,timestamp){ var USER_ID = userid; var PWD = pwd; var MOBILE = ...
Hello,We are trying to create a operator group and assign all required named rights in it. Purpose is to assign all required named rights to new user by adding user to single operator group. We do not want to add new user to multiple operator groups including default groups. What can be done to avoi...
i develop a send sms function, i create a table(smsApiservice:cus), the method(SendSingleSms) at the table, and the cus:smsApiservice.js, then i should had a wsdl url can find, such as 'http://localhost:8080/nl/jsp/schemawsdl.jsp?schema=cus:smsApiservice', and i use the postman to via the url, it r...
Team, I am trying setup control group through a workflow but getting below error. Is there another way to enable/disable control group for all deliveries in a campaign through JS or Update Data activity ? Thanks,