We're experiencing an issue which leaves us clueless.
In Workspace, on some pages we have our variable "Products" with a lot of "Unspecified" (nearly 98%).
This issue only occurs on iOS - on Android we have no "Unspecified" at all on the same pages.
So we decided to test the app (Android and iOS) and the string sent in the s.products variable is exactly the same for both except that it can be retrieved in Workspace/DataFeeds for Android but not iOS (for iOS, product_list/post_product_list is empty in datafeeds).
Example of s.products :
Any help would be really appreciated,
Solved! Go to Solution.
Can you breakdown the Unspecifieds with Device Type and see if they call go to iOS devices?
Also, can you share sample image requests containing the product list from iOS and Android device?
Can you breakdown the Unspecifieds with Device Type and see if they call go to iOS devices?
Also, can you share sample image requests containing the product list from iOS and Android device?
I noticed that you used the "Occurrences" metric, which is the default metric when you build a Freeform Table in Analysis Workspace.
So my question is: when a user opens that particular Page, is s.products always tracked? Because if it's not, then those "Unspecified" occurrences are precisely because there were hits from that page where s.products was not set, and what you see is the correct result.
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Hello khurshid,
Thanks for your answer.
Yes, on the Workspace provided, there is a segment applied and all of Unspecified is from iOS.
Image requests are exactly the same on both platforms iOS and Android, and the variable s.products is written as in my first post.
We're checking that with devs to ensure it is well written on their side :
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