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Month dimension and Month Granularity in DataWarehouse reports


Level 2

Hello! I have created a request in Datawarehouse where I extract page views, visits, etc along with different dimension: hostname, tracking code and month. I need monthly granularity, I have checked that in my request, but I also have added month dimension. Now, the report comes with 2 date columns instead of 1: month which comes from the granularity and date range month which comes from the month dimension. As an alternative, I have excluded month dimension and only keep the monthly granularity, but my report is scheduled on a weekly basis and I will only have the 1st of the month for my reports: 1/1/2025, 1/2/2025, 1/3/2025 and so on. The date range month will help me to have the beginning of each week in the report and that will help me further in my reporting. Does anyone know how I can only keep the date range month, meaning the month dimension, but also having the granularity monthly, but without this column that comes with it?






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