I am not getting beacons for below image click tracking code,
<img onclick="CQ_Analytics.record({event:'event',values:{ varName: 'varvalue'}, collect: false, options: { obj: this }, componentPath: "<%=resource.getResourceType()%>"});" alt="${classname }" title="${classname}" src="${imagepath}" />
The same is working if I use as below code,
<a href="" onclick="record(['event'],{ varName: 'varvalue'},false,{obj:this},'<%=resource.getResourceType()%>');" class="${classname }">
<img alt="${classname }" title="${classname}" src="${imagepath}" />
other than anchor tag the above record function is not working. I can't enclose <a> to all other tracking tags (input, form.,etc).
Please help to resolve this issue.