<Update - Looks like this was a bug and it's been resolved - yay!>
Hi AA community! Long time follower, first time poster
I can't see anything in the latest Analytics release notes but has there been recently an update so that visualisations modules no longer have a gap between each other and instead they 'connect' together? I've seen this on when using Graphs and Summary Changes modules mainly (key info has been redacted)
It also seems that the visualisation width is wider than the dashboard. It also seems that the visualisation width is wider than the dashboard so it's triggering a few OCD dashboard users
Thanks in advance for your responses!
I noticed that same thing, and I was discussing with a colleague... we're also not sure if this is intentional or a bug..
Not sure if you noticed, but the resize handles also line up in the original positions and not where the lines are... so it's making resizing more challenging.
I really hope this is a bug and it gets fixed soon... I really don't like the blocks being so misaligned either.
Oh yes I did notice the resize handles - it threw me off!
Fingers crossed it's a bug - but glad it isn't just us who's seeing this
Yes, I can see it too.
Looks bug where I can see in dev tool that the padding is set to 0.
Might get fixed soon.
I think this got fixed, don't see the visualization issue in my vizs.
Yep, it was fixed 2 days ago
Update: I've checked a few dashboards this morning and it looks like it was a bug - the borders have returned back to before! Huzzah!
Same here! Phew
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