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Campaign Ad Tracking


Level 2

Is there step-by-step instructions posted anywhere for setting up campaign tracking for digital advertising?  Our company hasn't used it before and I'm new to the Adobe platform, as well as haven't setup campaign tracking before.  The company I was at before we had our own tool that generated the tracking information without us having to set it up ourselves.  Is there any overview or resources available that clearly describes the steps to setting it up?



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Campaign Tracking is a deep subject, but the Adobe Help microsite has several articles to start:




Every element in a marketing campaign should have an associated unique tracking code. For example, a paid search engine keyword may have a tracking code of 112233. When someone clicks the keyword with the 112233 tracking code and is routed to the corresponding website, the campaign variable records the tracking code.

There are two main ways to populate the campaign variable:

  • The getQueryParam plug-in, used in the JavaScript file, retrieves a query string parameter from the URL. For more information on the getQueryParam plugin, see Implementation Plug-ins.
  • Assign a value to the campaign variable in the HTML on the Web page.

Adam Greco also did a blog post overview: http://blogs.adobe.com/digitalmarketing/analytics/campaign-tracking-inside-omniture-sitecatalyst/



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11 Replies


Correct answer by

Campaign Tracking is a deep subject, but the Adobe Help microsite has several articles to start:




Every element in a marketing campaign should have an associated unique tracking code. For example, a paid search engine keyword may have a tracking code of 112233. When someone clicks the keyword with the 112233 tracking code and is routed to the corresponding website, the campaign variable records the tracking code.

There are two main ways to populate the campaign variable:

  • The getQueryParam plug-in, used in the JavaScript file, retrieves a query string parameter from the URL. For more information on the getQueryParam plugin, see Implementation Plug-ins.
  • Assign a value to the campaign variable in the HTML on the Web page.

Adam Greco also did a blog post overview: http://blogs.adobe.com/digitalmarketing/analytics/campaign-tracking-inside-omniture-sitecatalyst/




Level 2

So, I want to clarify something though after doing some research on this topic.  If I'm using the classification importer to setup my campaigns.  I download the template, which will have my parameters set after I've added them in through the report suites into the proper environment I want to use.  Then when I download the template I fill out all of the parameters sections identifying them, even the "Key" column?  I set that column myself?  Then I import it back into the classification importer.  Then I create my URL based on those parameters.  Once the campaign goes live it begins collecting the data because the tracking in the URL will trigger the parameters setup in Adobe?



I recommend reviewing the below classification resources in depth. Everything in classifications stems from the capture of campaign tracking codes via URL query parameter detection or set within the page. If you are using classification importer then you can use browser export to download your prior captured campaign tracking codes (set as key values) and then you can fill out the classification metadata.







Level 2

I was able to utilize the Classification Importer to layout my parameters and fill in the necessary information.  I imported it back in and tried checking the Tracking Reports under Campaigns.  It doesn't have anything populating.  Shouldn't the Key names populate even if there isn't data to prove it's working?  It seems like there is a step missing, but I'm just not quite sure what.  

I filled out the Classification template per the directions and imported it back it.  All of the Conversion Classifications I added in step one are populating.  Is there anything step after importing the template back into Adobe Analytics that is making at least the descriptions not populate without the data? 



As long as the classifications you uploaded match key-wise to the captured tracking codes in Adobe Analytics then everything should propagate via classifications. Its not clear if you uploaded classifications against keys that didn't already exist in your Adobe Analytics tracking code dimension; if so then you will need to wait until those tracking codes show up in your reports to see the corresponding classification data.

If those tracking code keys are present in your Adobe Analytics base report data then that indicates an issue with your classification imports if the classification metadata is not showing up.




Level 2

I attached a picture to show you.  The classifications have been imported and show in the tracking codes.  So, that's a plus.  Although, when I look under the Campaigns and Tracking Codes classification reports (or any of the reports for that matter) the key codes/information from the classification document I imported does not populate.  The one thing I could think of would be the key code section in the classification document.  I inputted that information myself just like the rest of the document.  But am I supposed to get it specifically from somewhere?

I appreciate your support.  Thank you.



The screenshot shows the admin configured classification levels which is a starting setup requirement, but as reviewed there are key steps beyond that point which need to happen:

1)The Campaign Tracking Code base key values need to be captured into actual live Adobe Analytics reports. In other words your unique marketing campaigns or landing pages should be tagged in a manner so that campaign traffic causes custom tracking code values to show in the 'Tracking Code' menu item. Your comment below indicates you have imported classifications against tracking codes which don't exist yet in your reports which means they will never show up because there is no 'live' performance data yet.

Although, when I look under the Campaigns and Tracking Codes classification reports (or any of the reports for that matter) the key codes/information from the classification document I imported does not populate.

See this link for information on setting campaign tracking: https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/sc/implement/campaign.html

2)After tracking code values are live in your reports then you need to follow the classification import process to upload the classification metadata. It sounds like you have done this against tracking codes which have not been set yet via campaign tagging and subsequent variable s.campaign capture.




Level 2

Oh so the key point I'm missing is having those key codes, which identify the campaign active on digital advertising, to then active the campaign and would then populate the information.  Just to clarify I can choose what I want the key code to be (numerical value or alpha)?  Then as long as that unique identifiers are tagged in the campaign the dimensions will populate in the different report sections.  Then I can also use that unique identifier in the URL versus creating a rather long URL with all of the parameters?  For example, https://www.deltadentalwa.com/register?id=12345 versus https://www.deltadentalwa.com/register?ba:Comcast:300x250:NewYearsResolution:20150101



Yes- the beauty of the Adobe Analytics campaign tracking system is you design the key tracking codes as you see fit and the classification system applies after capture. Adobe Analytics does not require explicit parameters to be exposed in the URL to track and set campaigns. The below post details all the fundamentals on classifications.





Level 2

Hi Ktrina,

I am also new in Adobe implementation, I also don't know as how to setup campaign tracking. So if you get the satisfied answer then can you pls explain me with steps as how to do campaign tracking for social media. (With screenshot)

Please request.


Level 2

Hi Katrina,

I came across this article on Campaign Tracking that I think can help you: https://medium.com/@factivateapp/the-complete-guide-to-using-utm-parameters-in-adobe-analytics-dfce8...

It basically goes into how to set up your campaign tagging, classifications, and classification rules. I hope it helps!