My business user wants to know what an "Action"means in their Adobe dashboard. How is it calculated?If Unique visits in June are 155,817 - and total actions is 1,703,608 what is actions/visit and actions/unique visitor?How do I assess the total actions taken and then describe a ratio. For example x%...
Hello Adobe Community !I'm currently working on the results of a subscription form in my web site.Until now I was analysing the number of visits that go to the page where the subsrcription takes place, then doing a fallout vizualisation on the form that enables our client to subscribe.But I was wond...
Hello Adobe Community !I'm having some problems in getting results with a segment that should give me the visits whenever a visit sends an eVarX with a specific value (let s say A) in one page, then another value on the next page (lets say B) :A->...->BFor this I use a 2 visit container segment with...
Hi,I have a segment 1- User type equal to A, and another segment 2- User Type does not equal to A.I am checking if the Visit report (without segment) = Visit (segment 1) + Visit (Segment 2), and it turns out that Visit (without segment) < Visit (segment 1) + Visit (segment 2) across different month...
Hello All,I was first made aware of this problem several months ago. Apparently not all of the tracking codes are tracking correctly if they are tracking at all. For example, I have the shortened link: which expanded is '
Hi,I stored the Page ID value in Prop and eVar.The Page Views, Visits, and Unique Visitors values of Prop and eVar are different.ex)I want to know the why. please reply.
are the numbers for the events for the performance timing plugin in seconds or milliseconds? How should I read this?the first page (previous page) had an average Page Load TIme of 4 seconds or is that 4 milliseconds?Also, should the events be counters or numeric or some of both?right now I have:*eve...
Hi,When running the Marketing Channel Overview Report, the report is not displaying correctly and is missing data and graphs. We noticed this about a week ago and prior to that, the report ran and displayed fine. We also checked and found the same issue on the latest versions of Edge, Chrome, and ...
Hi,Any recommendation to implement analytics on chrome package app(desktop version). Do we need to use any SDK or can we use Adobe DTM/traditional method(s_code.js) on the page level to implement analytics.Thanks
I am an admin on the system, anytime I make a dashboard on Workspace and share it, the recipients aren't able to edit that version and click save. They are able to click save as and create a copy. How do I allow them to edit the existing dashboard?I went into the group settings and it says all grou...