Hello.I have a question about the difference by the report URL and the report site section max (list pages).I am interested in metric, page views and exits. Why are they not the same when I compere the page views and exits for the specific list page and the same list page but I have use the URL inst...
Hi, I'm looking for a VBA code that will refresh my pivot tables after my report builder requests have finished refreshing, reason being I need the pivot to amend the data for the front end of the dashboard. Can anyone help with a link or a code at all to point me in the right direction? Thanks, And...
Hi,According to the documentation here -> Making Reporting API Requests | Adobe Developer Connection , I should be able to add a "format" parameter to the Report.Get method so that I can receive a CSV export.However I can't get this to work. Is this now deprecated?Regards,Vitor Lopes
Hi,In some of our report suites, in our campaign reports (Campaign > Tracking code) we have a classification called Channel which captures the topline channels of our marketing activity like PPC, SEO, Email etc. These rules are set by the Classification Rule Builder. One of the topline channels is c...
Hi All,We have implemented the Adobe base code for our site Per and post login. When we look into referrer type split data is not matching overall Unique Visitors or instances. Below is the screenshot,By default this bucketing is done in Adobe, but not sure why i can't see split is matching with ins...
As I know adobe has IP address info, but it is but accessible by user. I really like to have this data in my database and later on I can filter out any IP address in my report. What will be the easiest way to get this info and set it to a variable and send to server?Thanks
HiUsing Data Insertion XML, we transfer data almost in real time, maximum delay that could occur on our side is about a minute. The problem that we see now is the page views. In theory we may receive limitless events from a page loaded until user navigates away from that page. We put these custom ev...
HelloI'm running a Global Report in order to know all the Report Suite's instances and hits of the last year; but I don’t have access to the historical data, just from the Global Report creation date.I think is possible to have all the historical data of the Report Suites into the Global Report, is ...
Dear Adobe team,How can I get an admin panel access for my account? IT team in my company is no help and unfortunately, there is no Adobe Analytics Account Manager for this specific account.Thank you