Hi,Has anyone retrieved Adobe Supplemental ID (SDID) from request cookie header? I could not able to find this id in my cookie header.I can able to retrieve mcid but not sdid. Any thoughts or help?
Hello *Adobe Community,I'm getting kicked out every minute from the platform with a pop in : Your Session Has ExpiredI don't know what to do , it's SUPER annoying, since I cannot do ANYTHING !Could someone please tell me what's wrong ?
Hey Guys,currently we are trying to export data via webservice api to push it to a vizualisation tool like tableau or microstrategy. Unfortunately the description of the Reporting REST API is not clear. I would need a list of REST calls that do the following things:1. Identify a ReportID by a repo...
Hello,I have a quick question about what is happening in the screenshot above.I have built a segment that contains 9 different url paths. The segment is built with 'or' so it tracks whether the user goes to either of the declared URL's.This shows the number of unique visitors, visits and page views....
Hi,we are counting sold products= units from visits with last touch channel = e-mail + push.The first time we used a hit segment and the second time we worked with a visit segment. (Hit segment)(Visit segment)Now we are wondering why the amount of units are different depending on the two segments we...
I am looking to get some clarity on how a unique visit (unique visitor ID) is recorded then tied to eVars after. The scenario I am confused about is on mobile app launch that is when unique id is generated. If I look at a report for a particular eVar I see the number of unique visitors totaled as “u...
Hello,I am trying to create a page flow report for a fellow team member based on page title, or page name, and as I click to grow the flow report, the top page viewed is always the same as the previous page. Wondering why that is or if it is an error somewhere. I took a training course a couple we...