Hi everyone,I’m seeking confirmation on my understanding of the differences between Adobe Analytics (AA) and Customer Journey Analytics (CJA) regarding marketing channel classification.From my research, I gathered that:AA relies on predefined processing rules for marketing channel classification, wh...
Does anyone know what the number in the upper left corner is supposed to represent?I believe at some point, there was the option to hide the "all visits" | "all visitors" number that displays in the upper left corner.https://www.bounteous.com/insights/2019/10/17/using-and-interpreting-adobe-analytic...
As part of our Target experimentation programme, I want to explore alternative ways to evaluate our tests by using our clickstream data. I want to understand the characteristics of our users when they first enter a test - device type, marketing channel, etc. Can I use the post_tnt_action field (str...
Hi, Recently I have implemented a new property using the Web SDK. It isn't the first Web SDK property I have implemented for the site, so mainly I have copied the work I did before for other properties. For my last implementation, I can see that eventhough the default 'Page' dimension is set correct...
Hello,Is it possible to create custom date type dimensions like Day, Week etc. Our analysts have asked for dimensions like Financial Year and Financial Quarter- I know you could create date ranges for these, but they're after a single dimension they can drag in and have it split into multiple values...
I have a scenario where I need find BOT by using User Agent option only. we are suspecting BOT in my site. Instead of IP address need to find BOT using User Agent option
Hi All, I was wondering how to properly Calculate Average Time Spent on a Page View? I have a hit segment applied to a specific page. It is also my understanding that page views can increase without a timestamp being applied https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/analytics/components/metrics/tot...
Hi All, In Workspace, as far as segments, metrics, dimensions and where you can drag and drop them, what is the order of operations? Is it segment then dimension then metrics? Thanks!
Hi Adobe Community, Is there any Adobe Analytics Documentation that shows which Dimensions and Metrics correspond to each scope? Whether they are visitor, visit, or hit level? Thanks!