Hello! I don´t understand why, when breaking down the Last Touch channels by referral, we get the "Typed/Bookmarked" option on it. How can I interpret this? Thank you!
Team, Basically we were trying to concatenate the three values in the page name section through data element. However, we see the previous page is capturing on the page name instead of the current page name. checked the code in the browser console and it is firing fine as expected using 'this.hiera...
I am able to access analytics 2.0 through Postman . I see key generation for android and iOS too, but I do not see any documentation or examples of how it needs to be implemented.My requirement is showing the reports in our mobile app created in the workspace . Are there any examples to achieve it o...
I'm finding that my PageName variable is not reading the correct value. The app is a SPA Vue app, in Launch, the PageName is set as "%Path%%Hash%" and the Page Url is set as "%URL%".What is happening is for example I am on my /pay/verify page, when I click on a link with an analytics call, the page ...
Hello, was there recently a change in Adobe Analytics? For Example I frequently used the "Page" Dimension and I got a list of all my Pages.But I applied on that a Page URl Segment like https://www.***.com/path1/path2/After that I only got a list of Pages within this URL. This was just like an Area/P...
Hi all,I can see the value 'Typed/Bookmarked' in all the channels if i breaking down the marketing Channel report by referring domains. How is that possible? am i missed in tagging or in rule definition? your help is much appreciated
Hello,I need to set up the internal domains and the tool don't give me the options for omit for example i need to skip dog.com but i need to conserve midog.comI try to only omit dog.com but also omitted midog.comHow i resolve this problem?
Hi, I'm trying to use the adobe analytics API (via Python) to pull visits by day, but the API requires a dimension and will not allow "Day" as a dimension. Is there a way to just pull totals by day without an additional dimension? Thanks!