Hello everyone,Can you help me to understand why I have evars with Undefined value under occurencies ?.And If I add the event metric I have no Undefined value. Thanks
Hello everyone,When I send data from Adobe Launch to Analytics Report Suite, anyone knows the delay before data are available in the workspace?ThanksLuca
First: I inherited a bit of a mess, but am excited to learn and clean it up. Please excuse any mis-speaking or wrong terms. I'm in the process of evolving our channel reporting and evolving the department to Adobe "Marketing Channel" reporting.We currently have a couple eVars that track first and la...
Hello everyone,I tried to figure how to extract to CSV excel, more than the 400 rows broadcasted in the Workspace display tables in Adobe Analytics. The thing is, I can't go more than 400 rows...Concretly, I need to extract data (it's web traffic per minute) from past 3 months. So, that represents a...
I wish to generate a report using Adobe API 2.0 that contains 4 dimensions and 8 metrics. I understand this was available in 1.4, does 2.0 have this functionality yet?
Hi,I am using Power BI to create dashboards, importing data from adobe analytics. After signing in with my credentials, I am able to get data from adobe, but only 4 elements are been loaded. Attached the screen shot of error message.can anyone please help me to get data of more than 4 elements from ...
Hi, all The inquiry is whether it's possible to use cp codes when tracking Apps. Currently, we're only tracking web-based ads and trying to expand to App campaigns. The current web-based ad tracking process is as follows. 1) Create a URL with cp code includedex) https://www.nike.com/kr/ko_kr/&cp=5...
Hi all, I feel like this is a tricky question, should s.clearVars(); be used before or after? Couple of use cases I have encountered, #1 In Launch, Clear Variables > Set Variables > Send Beacon #2 Using AMO.js Track events and eVars > fire s.tl() > call s.clearVars() #3 CMS Application s.linkTrackV...
Hello, I'm seeing very low traffic when comparing with linkedin analytics with adobe analytics. Sep 1 to Sep 30: LinkedIn analytics: In LinkedIN - Total clicks to the website pages(both organic n paid ) > 14,632 Total Clicks Sep 1 to Sep 30: Adobe Analytics: MySegment Include: Visitors Referring Do...