Hello All,I've created a new dashboard for one of my report suite and tried to share the dashboard with the business users.We have nearly 200+ users in our account and I took some time to find the user. So I would like to suggest to have the user search functionality (like in the user module) on the...
I'm trying to make a complete track my web because within it I'm riding an online poker product sales.Which method is the one I use to control data as the percentage of conversion?Thank You.
Hello,There is a significant amount of bot traffic hitting one particular page on my site. This traffic is coming from Typed/bookmarked, has 0 second visit duration, and views 1 page and leaves. The issue is so significant it's causing this to be the 2nd top entry page on the site. My issue is that ...
Hello,Could you please help me to understand how to link properly Adobe Analytics to AdWords in order to see the bounce rate in AdWords?I am running some campaigns in AdWords using a parameter in the URL. Then this parameter is correctly set up in Adobe Analytics (Paid Search Detection), and I am ab...
Hi,if I want to see only those users that found their way to our site only through organic traffic, I have to be aware that some users enter directly our site but then during their visit use a search engine for navigation. If such a user leaves the site during his visit and returns via search engine...
I would like to know how to analyze using lid on JavaScript button action.situation is like below.There are 4 type of button action using Javascript.please look at attached file(Adobe_question_20150703)mark red textWe embed lid number using "on click"event(onclick="rb_addurlprm) in html source. 1.O...
A client had dynamic creative built in Google studio. Depending on the CTA featured in the creative, a different landing page URL is applied to the creative. There is a google drive document that houses the landing page URL for each variation of creative as directed by Google Studio. We are using...
With a bookmarked report in Reports & Analytics, how can I tell exactly how the report was initially created? In other words, how can I determine what the exact path of the initial report that it is based on, as well as other options like the Preset Date Range?I am reporting for a client that switch...
Dear Folks,When I'm trying to chat with Adobe support team, most of the times the chat window is not responding properly.It will not respond for more than 240 seconds and suddenly it will wake up in the middle. I've already raised this with some of the support associates. But I'm not sure whether th...
Hello,I'm not a developer myself so I'm not intimate to server vs. client side implications, but I am in charge of designing technical specs for our implementation. I recently found this article from a previous discussion posted on the board: https://marketing.adobe.com/developer/documentation/data-...