We have been using the 1.4.1 of the debugger and different testers on our team are seeing different results. The engineering team that develops the debugger confirms this is actually a known issue and is due to the implementation of a service worker on the website in question.
Are there any workarounds for us to continue using this tool, not all our testers are familiar with the network tab in the developer tools?
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I don't actually use that version of the tool, I use the older Adobe Experience Cloud Debugger.
What kind of differences are your testers experiencing?
You could try using the older Cloud Debugger (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adobe-experience-cloud-de/ocdmogmohccmeicdhlhhgepeaijenapj) and see if that solves the problem, but I am genuinely interested in knowing what issues you have encountered with the Platform Debugger (I have my own set of issues with how it works which is why I don't use it)
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The analytics calls that are captured for one user are not the same as for the other user. So if I load a page I see the image request fire for one user and the other user may not see it. We clear browsers and follow the same clean up protocols but the results are very user driven. So our Unit testing team may see one result, QA sees another and the UAT team may see one or the other. On checking with Adobe they suggested an option in Chrome based browsers to bypass service workers for network requests.
This workaround will only function as long as the dev tools drawer remains open, hence looking for other solutions, if any.
Can you provide more information about the differences that you and your testers are observing? And can you also provide some information about what the service worker in the website does?