
Adobe Data Collection using the ACDL extension


Level 3

Is there documentation (or better yet a tutorial) that shows how to set up in Adobe Data Collection using the ACDL extension?  We aren't ready to go to Web SDK  yet, so just looking for Analytics instructions.


What is the difference between using the ACDL extension to set tags vs. without it with a non-Web SDK set up?



1 返信


Level 1

Hi @aablank1 ,


ACDL is Adobe Client data layer a event driven data handling approach. Thus making data tracking more structured and event driven, making it easy to maintain and debug.


With traditional W3C datalayer, you cannot use the ACDL extension also there are few nuances like race conditions and timing issues.


ACDL Extension Article: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/tags/extensions/client/client-data-la...

ACDL Detailed Video:



Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further queries.

