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Enrty full page URL doesn't fully show URL


Level 1



I've a dashboard where I measure page visits through the entry full page URL. However, the full URL isn't displayed as shown in the screenshot. How can I solve this?

1 solución aceptada


Respuesta correcta de
Level 10

Hi @Campaigns_ASNAd ,

It looks like you are using a prop to track the Full Page URL, props have max length of 100 bytes; values longer than 100 bytes are automatically truncated when sent to Adobe.

You can use an eVar to store the URL data as that has the limit of 255 bytes. Then you can use custom logic to generate entry values from this variable as eVar don't provide Entry Exit dimension like pros.


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1 Respuesta


Respuesta correcta de
Level 10

Hi @Campaigns_ASNAd ,

It looks like you are using a prop to track the Full Page URL, props have max length of 100 bytes; values longer than 100 bytes are automatically truncated when sent to Adobe.

You can use an eVar to store the URL data as that has the limit of 255 bytes. Then you can use custom logic to generate entry values from this variable as eVar don't provide Entry Exit dimension like pros.
