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Pause button for Analysis Workspace


Level 4


Workspace is pretty, but it's not the fastest, especially when working close to the max of 25 months of data. Slow speeds compound in frustration when Workspace tries to recalculate whole tables and connected visualizations each time something changes. Modifying a table is next to impossible when reconfiguring each dimension or metric causes 15+ seconds of recalculation of the table and it's associated visualizations.

Tableau gets around this with a pause button. I would hugely appreciate this functionality.

Features of the pause button

- Panel-level pausing for all calculations in the panel. Button would be available in header to pause panels before expanding them

- All visualizations can still be configured, and all components accessed, but no new data would be calculated

- Visualizations with changes made during a pause would gain some sort of highlight/color change

- Export functionality could be turned off

- Bonus: pressing the pause button halts all current calculations being performed, requiring them to be completely recalculated upon resume

Resuming from pause calculates the panel, like it's just been expanded or opened





Hello Evan,

Great idea!  I like this for sure.  We do have something similar to a pause functionality with the Data Workbench solution, but that is an Analytics add on.  I recommend filing this request here as "submit and idea" Experience Cloud Community Feedback

Otherwise, the best thing I can suggest is work on the project and sending it out on a schedule during off peak hours.