3 list vars are not very many when you are trying to maintain standards across 30+ unique websites and have it all roll up nicely in to a global report suite.
@andreww, you can actually classify list variables already. Set up the classifications in Edit Settings > Conversion > Conversion Classifications. You will see your list vars on the list on that page.
Obviously they're not as powerful (or character-unlimited) as listVars, but I do want to remind this group that listprops can still be extremely powerful too. You'll be able to mix and match events to listprop values, plus Classifications can be applied to them too!
Many sites have arrays in their data layers and having evars that are list friendly (since prop character limits are very low), would be very helpful.
Any list based experience (discovery of your asset - products, houses, concerts, articles etc) would call for a need to measure multiple items in one report but have the ability to look at them as their own unique records.