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Lift & Confidence for calculated metrics in A4T


Level 5


The current document for A4T says that every metric is available, including any custom or calculated metrics that are built-in in Analytics. However, when we select the calculated metrics as the primary goal for an activity in Target, the lift and confidence calculations are not available in Target and Analytics.

Edit: While this idea is being considered for future, it would be awesome if Adobe can share how to build a calculated metric in Adobe Analytics for confidence interval calculation. I understand that the calculated metric builder has some advanced formula and functions but how to use them for the confidence calculation?





Yes, there is a future plan to introduce lift and confidence calculation for in A4T. Thank you for this suggestion and to all who voted on this idea!


Level 5


Hi Amelia,

While this idea is being considered for future, it would be awesome if Adobe can share how to build a calculated metric in Adobe Analytics for confidence calculation. I understand that the calculated metric builder has some advanced formula and functions but how to use them for the confidence calculation?


Employee Advisor


Lift & confidence is available in the A4T panel for standard (non-calculated) metrics. Support for calculated metrics in L&C is something that is on the backlog for future consideration, so moving this idea back to New.

Status changed to: New