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Course Discussion: Getting Started with Analysis Workspace



Use this thread to ask any questions related to the Getting Started with Analysis Workspace course on Experience League. Experts are monitoring this thread to ensure your questions are answered.

15 Replies


Level 1

Starting your first project in Analysis Workspace 

video frozen half way, no voice, video not moving, only sub title is continuing, would you please recheck, thanks



Thanks for the feedback. I went back through that video and it seems to be working fine for me, didn't freeze, audio worked, etc.

Are you still having the problem? Are you having the issues with other videos too? Have you tried different browsers? Sorry, the troubleshooter comes out in me, haha.

Anyway, thanks for letting me know, but for now, that one seems to be working.



Level 1

Do u live in a van , down by the river


Level 1




Could you explain how the Visits / Page Views are different even though it's the same 'Home page'?



Thanks for asking. The page views number increments every time a page is loaded, of course. The visit number for a page is answering, "How many visits (sessions) were there where the home page was a part of that session (seen at least once)?"

So regardless of how many times the home page is loaded in that visit/session, it only counts ONE visit for the home page.

So, for example, if the home page had twice as many page views as visits, then we would know that on average, people load the home page twice per visit.

Does that make sense?


Level 1

I didn't find the new visitors 



Can you give me a little more information? Are you just saying that you were hoping to find an out-of-the-box metric that is for new visitors to your site? If so, there is a segment called "First Time Visits" that you can apply to the panel, or even to a column in a table. That segment is defined as "Visits where the visit number=1". 

If that is not what you are looking for, let me know. Thanks!


Level 4

Where can I find training with the current UX of Adobe Analytics? The videos in the experience league are out dated. I'm looking for beginner's videos / training as I'm a convert from Google Analytics. 



Thanks for your feedback, JPFiber. I will circle back through them and look at the ones that need to be updated. I have a feeling that you are talking about the very beginning ones (like seeing the UI for the first time, maybe creating a new project from a template, etc.). Once you get to the part where you are using tables and visualizations in projects, adding metrics and dimensions, etc, I believe that the UI is pretty much up-to-date. I'll do a little audit and make sure that we can update any that need it in the near future. Feel free to tell me exactly which ones you are talking about and I can make sure to start with those.

Thanks again for your feedback!



Level 1

I couldn't locate the adobe templates in the new project tab (such as ''Content Consumption'' shown in the video).  The video shows there are options at the top while selecting your project (All, Standard, Custom & Tutorials) they don't appear in my tool.     



Sorry about that, they are now in a different location, so I need to update that video, which I will do. 

In the meantime, you can still find templates.

On the very left-hand side, there is a little hamburger menu. Click on that to expose Projects, Reports, and Learning on the left side.

Then choose Reports.

In that section there is a combination of pre-built reports and templates, including the templates that you were seeing before in the New Project dialog. For example, in that Reports section, choose Engagement, and then Web Content Consumption. I believe that is the template you mention above. In any case, sorry for the mixup. I'll update the video. Let me know if this doesn't make sense, or if you have any other questions.


Level 1

is this a video or reading tutorial?




Hi, thanks for asking about this tutorial/course.

This course is actually a video-based course, so several videos broken out into groups called lessons. Anyway, the link to the course is at the top of this discussion, and it should take you right into the course (if you are logged into Exp League).

