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Announcement: Calling all learners and mentors! Applications are now open for the Adobe Analytics 2024 Mentorship Program! Come learn from the best to prepare for an official certification in Adobe Analytics.

Analysis Workspace community session recording: now available!


Employee Advisor

For anyone who was unable to attend, or if you'd like to watch/listen again, a recording is available below:

Here are clickable links to the recommended bookmarks at the end:

Analysis Workspace Ideas Exchange: http://adobe.ly/1VPuzDX
Analysis Workspace Forum (you are here): http://adobe.ly/1LvscWn
Adobe Analytics Ideas Exchange: http://adobe.ly/1XZq4YX
Adobe Analytics Forum: http://adobe.ly/1g05gyV

We welcome feedback on this session, as well as ideas on future sessions you'd like to hear about.

Based on feedback inside the poll at the end, the most-requested future topic was data visualization. What are your thoughts on a session related to this in the future?

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