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Adobe Analytics Product Feedback & Feature Requests



Hi Everyone, 

We would like to hear your experience of using the Adobe Analytics product. Feel free to post your feedback on this post and we would make your voice heard. 

27 Replies


Level 1

It would be great if "view history" log in Processing Rules contained the actual changes made on that date, and not a listing of all the rules. (Report Suite Manager > Processing Rules > View History)



Hi David,

Thanks for the insight, I would try to put the suggestion through Product Management. Also you can go ahead and raise a feature request on our ideas exchange at - http://ideas.omniture.com


Level 2

1. Real Time. It would be great if we can tweak it for some segments, currently it's hard to parse without that. I realize the segments would have to be hits only and maybe limited in other ways, but it would be good to have.

2. Report Builder for the Mac OS, please!

3. Activity map. Ranks are great, but how about actual clicks. Sometimes the difference the #3 and the #4 could be hundreds of clicks.

4. Any udpdate/refresh coming to the Target tool? I think it has great potential but somewhat limited and hard to use.


Employee Advisor

These are all fantastic suggestions. To make sure product management sees these, I would recommend also posting them over at our Idea Exchange.


Level 2

Reportbuilder for MAC please!!!  I have to run PC on my Mac specifically for this!


Level 5

Product level segments (similar to what's offered in Data Workbench) would be great to have!


Level 1

How can we get Heat Map feature. We have Click map feature but no Heat Map feature. We re running H.27.1


Level 2

Google AdWords Integration


Level 1

I would love the ability to alias items in Analysis Workspace. 


For instance, in a freeform table, I might have an object that is labeled "www | site | subspace | page | resource 1 " and so on and so on. This is pretty common for larger sites with lots of communities or sub-spaces. However, when I go to create a freeform table, I would love to be able to alias the name above to "Product Datasheet". This way when I go to share out the report with my teams they can easily understand what's listed in the table and I gain more space for valuable metrics. 


Level 1

Hi @TanmayM - for workspace, would like to be able to include all the possible inputs for a given component, for a given project. Currently, we have a subcategory (product) component set up that includes more than just 5 inputs. Currently, I can only analyze 5 of them.


Level 6

I use Report Builder all the time yes.

What I find a bit odd, since we pay quite a lot of money (in my opinion), is that it seems like no one is listening when we have a top request. The account manager and ClientCare tell us to put it on Ideas Exchange, but it is hard to get priorised then... If we could name an annual top pain point and someone would look into it, maybe there would even be a way without technical changes, a way that we haven't thought of before.


Level 1

Hi, All

I would like to see filter settings stick in Segment or Calculated Metric "Manager" tools. After selecting and editing a list item, clicking save to return to the list resets all the filters. This is incredibly frustrating and really inefficient. Also, the column selector (view columns: "Owner", "Report Suite" etc.) does not always save selections. Am using the latest version of Chrome, let me know.


Level 1

Hi all,

This is in reference to the 'targets' functionality of Adobe Analytics and NOT Adobe Target.

I would love to see the 'targets' functionality updated so we can do a number of things:

-upload data via .csv files to avoid manual input (or other file type e.g. .tab)

-use targets as metrics in workspace and show variances against target

-make targets available in report builder


Level 2


User Management: It would be really great if we could extract specific user groups details instead of the whole list so that we can notify only those to whom its relevant about data changes/updates.

Segment Manager: A way to group segments in the manager would be good - sort of like a folder so that we could group by segment type. I.e. customer journey segments, page performance segments etc.

Data Sources: As with SAINT classifications it would be very convenient to have a way of uploading data directly for smaller files instead of having to use the FTP.

SAINT Classifications: It would be really great to be able to use the features in the SAINT Bernard AIR app on a supported platform. I notice that it was in BETA testing 6yrs ago, has this been forgotten about?

Customer Attributes: It would be really ideal to be able to have a new dimension that combines the Customer Attributes user ID's with the user ID evar so that we had the best coverage. A way to do this would be amazing,

Thank you,




These are all fantastic suggestions! I would be compiling them and directly send it to the Product Management for their review. 

I highly encourage sharing the feedback on the product as much as possible, it helps a lot in improving the product for your usage.




Level 2

Hi, Not sure if this has been asked before or not, but it would be great that if a segment is updated, that all other segments that contain it are also updated.

Some times you can quickly loose track of segments you have created that contain other segments, and its time consuming to do repeated changes.



Hayley Yates wrote...

Hi, Not sure if this has been asked before or not, but it would be great that if a segment is updated, that all other segments that contain it are also updated.

Some times you can quickly loose track of segments you have created that contain other segments, and its time consuming to do repeated changes.


Hi Hayley, I think segments do get updated if their contained segment is changed. If you are making the change in the segment manager while your project is open, you might have to refresh it for the changes to reflect. 


Level 2



I have just tried this and it doesn't. Including refreshing the segments window and checking again, it does not update segments that include other segments.

E.g. If i create a segment for only 8 Customer ID, and then a segment that excludes these 8 customer ID's, by excluding the 1st segment.

Then if I amend that first segment, say to remove 4 of those customers, the second segment does not reflect the same change


Level 5


It would be great if you have multiple report suite ID tagged into the single project in Adobe Workspace. As we aware we can able to do it in Dashboard, similarly we required to have the same with Adobe Workspace.



Level 1

Hi Adobe,

Here's a feature request i would very much like in Adobe Analytics.

As a product owner of Adobe Analytics i want to be able to have real time reporting or alerts on secondary server charges so that i can manage the account and take action when over usage charges occur.

Only having access to the billing information 6 days after the previous month has caused excessive over charging for our business where we were unable to confirm if changes we made to the configuration had successfully reduced the server calls.

Many thanks,
