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Adobe Analytics: Order of Ingestion and Processing Operations


Employee Advisor

Ever wonder what the order of processing is for Adobe Analytics? This question usually comes up when you're asking questions like:

- Are the results of Processing Rules included in my Data Feeds output? (yes)

- Can my Real Time Reports include evars? (no)

- Does Data Warehouse have access to Classifications? (yes)


The following flow diagram is accurate as of August 2022. As new features are released that affect this diagram, we'll be sure to update this thread.

AA Processing Aug 2022.png



In addition to this diagram, we have some fantastic documentation on Processing in Adobe Analytics and Customer Journey Analytics over here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/analytics-platform/using/compare-aa-cja/cja-aa-comparison/da...

9 Replies


Level 10

Hey Eric,

It would be helpful to see the following items in the diagram supplemented with the data latency information:

  • server-side forwarding to AAM
  • data sources
  • customer attributes
  • Adobe Target reporting data sync with Analysis Workspace
  • Adobe Co-op data sync


Employee Advisor

Great suggestions Andrey! Will absolutely work to as many of those as will fit on the slide


Level 3

Are we sure about this order of operations.  I once had a processing rule which filtered out all numeric digits from all clicks.  We created this rule to avoid collecting account numbers (PII).  This processing rule worked as designed as no numeric digits appeared in UI data.  I was horrified to find account numbers in Data Warehouse as Data Warehouse ignored my processing rules.


Employee Advisor

Hi Eric - I'm actually seeing the same results: my Processing Rules are not affecting my Data Warehouse exports. I'm checking with our product/engineering teams to understand why. Thank you for bringing this up!


Level 3



Employee Advisor

Hi Eric,


I've followed up with the team and it turns out that the vast majority of report suites have been migrated to follow the flow above (ie - Processing/VISTA rules do affect Data Warehouse exports). However, a few have not been migrated for one reason or another. If you'd like to have your report suite migrated, don't hesitate to reach out to Customer Care to have it done so. Feel free to mention my name and the setting of "Same-as SiteCatalyst Vista Processing" to alert the Customer Care representative.


Hope that helps!



Level 3





Thanks @EricMatisoff, strangely the URL gave me a 404, but I found another page 


was this the page you wanted to share? 





Employee Advisor

ah yes, the joys of perpetual changes to URL structure without setting up 301 redirects.. Thanks Ying