Hello Team,
Welcome to the Adobe Analytics Community Mentorship program! This is the featured Community Discussion thread for your Adobe Analytics Community Mentor, Pratheep Arun Raj (@PratheepArunRaj), who will be here to guide and support you and your peers with your Adobe Analytics questions as you prepare for the Adobe Analytics Professional Developer Certification (Exam ID: AD0-E213), through to the end of the program.
A little bit about your Adobe Analytics Community Mentor, Arun:
Arun: Enterprise Architect (NextRow Digital) with 12+ years of experience in MIS, Analytics, Personalization and Customer Data Platform | Brand Ambassador, User Group Leader, Community Advisor in Adobe | Founder and Author of Terryn Winter Analytics (Blog Portal) | Holder of 8 Adobe Certifications across Adobe Analytics, Adobe Target, and Adobe Audience Manager.
Aspirants mapped to Arun (@PratheepArunRaj) :
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Hello spogula , @Hindirala , @Arn_Fam , IP , @Kristine_Bee , @swapnilbhiungade7 , @souvikg79278577 , @senthilbasuvaraj !
First, congratulations on being selected for the Mentorship Program.
Let's use this mail thread to quickly introduce ourselves. My introduction is already there at the top and would love to hear from you all.
Thank You, Pratheep Arun Raj B (Arun) | NextRow Digital | Terryn Winter Analytics
My name is Srikanth based out of Hyderabad, India. I just started learning Adobe Analytics, I have experience in AEM.
Welcome @srikanthpogula
Hi Arun! My name is Kristine, and I'm based out of Los Angeles, California. I've been using Adobe Analytics for quite some time (since Omniture days!) and have the Architect & BP certs. Really looking forward to upskilling with Developer and learning from all the folks in our cohort!
Welcome @Kristine_Bee
Hi @PratheepArunRaj I am Hanumanth Indirala, and I am based out of Sydney. I've started using Adobe Analytics and Adobe Launch for the last 1.5 years.
Welcome @Hindirala
Hi @seanrobinson @PratheepArunRaj
Can you please let us know when will the toolkit be shared? Or can we use the one share by Jennifer_Kunz in other thread?
Dear @srikanthpogula ,
I am sharing the same in minutes.
Thank You, Pratheep Arun Raj B (Arun) | NextRow Digital | Terryn Winter Analytics
Hello @srikanthpogula , @Hindirala , @Arn_Fam , IP , @Kristine_Bee , @swapnilbhiungade7 , @souvikg79278577 , @senthilbasuvaraj !
Hope everyone already went through the syllabus (Get ready, Get prepped, and Get certified).
Based on the Exam Objectives and Scope, Module 1/Section 1 is focused on 'Analytics in the Adobe Experience Cloud ecosystem (14%)'. This section covers 3 important topics:
Enclosed is the toolkit for the above Section 1/Module 1. It has 6 sections; kindly go through the same and let me know for any queries or concerns.
We will be covering 1 Module per week and thus try to complete the module by the end of the week or early start of next week.
Thank You, Pratheep Arun Raj B (Arun) | NextRow Digital | Terryn Winter Analytics
Dear @srikanthpogula ,
1. In Adobe Launch, Experience Cloud Service is added through Extension. This is important to set a Visitor ID which is common across Experience Cloud Solutions. If you implement the same on the page, it is added using VisitorAPI.js.
2. Yes, customers here represent website owners. Adobe will generate its own Visitor ID based on the cookie. However, if owners have a Customer ID for their customers (Can be a hashed email ID, Account Number, Username, etc), it can be synced across Adobe's Visitor ID. Syncing here represents, setting Customer ID in Experience Cloud ID service so that Visitor ID & Customer ID will tie up against each other. This will help us to target the same customer across multiple devices (Visitor IDs) making the experience unique for the customer and not just the devices.
Thank You, Pratheep Arun Raj B (Arun) | NextRow Digital | Terryn Winter Analytics
Hi @PratheepArunRaj ,
Can we control the extensions at the web property level or are they installed in all web properties if multiple web properties are present?
For example, if I would like to install Adobe Target v2 only for web property 1 but not required for web property 2, will I be able to control it?
Hello @srikanthpogula ,
Yes, extensions can be installed according to our requirements across web properties, and need not be the case that every extension has to be installed on every property. You can mix and match as you said. But, be mindful to restrict the properties to a few based on your requirements; because more properties more work on duplication.
To understand this more, go through my 3 series blog on Adobe Launch.
1. https://terrynwinter.com/adobe-launch-managing-launch-series-part-01-managing-properties/
2. https://terrynwinter.com/adobe-launch-managing-launch-series-part-02-managing-data-elements/
3. https://terrynwinter.com/adobe-launch-managing-launch-series-part-03-managing-extensions-and-rules/
Thank You, Pratheep Arun Raj B (Arun) | NextRow Digital | Terryn Winter Analytics
Hey guys!
My name is Arnold and I've been a Data Analyst for about a year now. I have really been enjoying the Adobe Analytics platform and have lots of room to grow, which is why I took on this program. I have experience with other visualization platforms and python. Looking to get to know everyone and share thoughts and ideas!
Hello @srikanthpogula , @Hindirala , @Arn_Fam , IP , @Kristine_Bee , @swapnilbhiungade7 , @souvikg79278577 , @senthilbasuvaraj !
Hope everyone is doing well! For this week, we will try to cover Module 02.
Module 02: Analytics strategy and design based on a solution design reference (12%)
Enclosed is the document for Module 02.
Thank You, Pratheep Arun Raj B (Arun) | NextRow Digital | Terryn Winter Analytics
Hi @PratheepArunRaj,couple of questions
Hello @srikanthpogula ,
1. For understanding basic metrics, check out the video here.
2. Adobe Analytics Extension has them and I can see a few.
And, if you don't find any of the variables to be directly configured in Extension, then you need to configure the same using the 'CONFIGURE TRACKER USING CUSTOM CODE' option.
3. Logic won't change. but the syntax does.
For Adobe Analytics Developer Certification, you won't get any questions related to AEP Web SDK Implementation.
Thank You, Pratheep Arun Raj B (Arun) | NextRow Digital | Terryn Winter Analytics
Hi @PratheepArunRaj ,