This is a public Nation security Message for the Ranier Beach community Seattle Wa Polaris project This Tesla, Salesforce, Microsoft, Google LLC ,Knox , Twitter, cloudflare , Google cloud , S&P 500 Future, crypto platform are not open source platforms. These platforms was developed to give your fami...
I would like to be able to estimate hours/resources needed at a Portfolio and Initiative level--is anyone aware of how this can be done similar to the Resource Budgeting feature within Business Case of a Project? I am playing with Scenario, not sure this is the right application for when I am trying...
We run display ad campaigns, and sometimes get lists of up to 1,000 census tracts we need to target and report impressions by. Is this possible in Adobe Advertising Cloud?
We currently use Adobe Advertising Cloud as an extension to Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection, and this loads as a script on our website. We are on a journey of moving all script/cookie-based technologies to API-driven technology. Is there an API for Adobe Advertising Cloud?
Hello Experts,In my Advertising Analytics report for Google Ads- the video Ads type are not tracked. ONLY text Ads are tracked. What could be the reason for this? I read in one of the post that Advertising Analytics only track text ads type with the integrated Google Ads accounts. is that still true...
Hello Experts, I have setup an Advertising Analytics account with Google Ads. Clicks, impressions, CTR , cost could be seen but client also requests to see conversion rates for campaigns launched through Google Ads in Advertising Analytics report in order to optimize Google Ads based on conversion r...
I would like to sign up for Adobe Advertising Cloud but this has, weirdly enough, proved a very difficult and time consuming task. First of all, I can't seem to find any webpage where you can sign up, nor does Adobe customer service seem to be able to help me on their chat. I was referred to a form ...
Hello! I'm new in the community.At the agency where I work, we are integrating the system with adobe review links to get feedback, and also invite editing by sharing files from the cloud to collaborate more than one person on the project.What is the problem?When I want to open a file I get a message...