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Workfront for an Omni Approach?


Level 3

In our instance we are looking to set up an Omni approach. Does anyone have an example of this working well? We are mapping this out and get hung up on things like what info is on a parent project, program or type based project (child projects), as having information scattered makes reporting complicated. We have a Project Online integration which integrates the schedule to a task level on the Parent project, which is really the only use for the parent right now.

Another area we are looking to figure out is briefs. Without giving everyone in our instance the higher license level, how are you receiving briefs? Are you making issues to get those inputs? Are you making one robust request for the program overall? Are you using Workfront for at all for briefs? In our world, the point person will not have all info up front, so we must think about the info gathering in stages. I’d love to pick someone’s brain on this!


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