Hi Sydney,
Congrats on your 1 year mark!
I have a dashboard that I use that has a ton of reports on it to help figure out what is amiss in our system. There are actually three dashboards but they are all the same except for the filters. The first one is one the Project Owners so all the reports have filters Project Owner ID = $$USER.ID. The second one is for the agency leads so their reports have filters Project Group ID = $$USER.homeGroupID. The third one is for me and it is for the whole instance.
Reports on the dashboard include things like
Projects Late or Behind (we don't have a task one, that is an interesting idea though)
Projects without a Portfolio
Projects with the wrong schedule
Projects with the wrong custom form
Projects with the wrong resource pool
Projects without a Project Type (that is something in our custom form)
Project Missing A Job Number
Are These Projects Still In Planning? (Where the status is Planning but there Percent Complete is above 0%)
Should These Projects Be Completed? (Where the status is Current but there is a percent Complete of 100%)
Now, I'll be honest and say that sometimes I will jsut do these for them. I can easily bulk edit all of the Chicago office and make sure there is the Chicago Resource Pool attached or their custom form. But some things like Portfolio, Job Number, and Project Type, I cannot do.
For these time of year, I do send shame emails. I email a whole team and say "These are the Project Owners that have not be keeping up with their Double Check Dashboard." Not my favorite strategy but it does work to get them to fix things. ;)
I also send a report of all templates for that agency to the leads so they know what is out there especially for the project managers who have a template like "brochure" and there are only like 50 planned hours on it. I just run the template report with my permissions so they see everything even if it isn't shared with them.
As for myself, I do have user reports to double check user settings. Although, because we have a feed from our financial tool, I normally see and deal with exception every day so I don't have a huge clean up for that at the end of the year.
One thing I would love is analytics on which reports, dashboards, and calendars are being used. But I can't. I do have a report that tells me which ones were created by someone no longer with the company. I check them out and if they don't seem too helpful or were put together wierd, I might reach out to that agency to see if they still want it.
Hope this is helpful.