Everyone, meet @Vanessa Tripp‚ ‚. She's got incredible experience using Workfront for creative teams and she's very creative when it comes to her favorite snack as well!
Workfront: What was your background before learning Workfront (super technical, lots of project management, or totally something different)?
Vanessa: Prior to Workfront I had about 15 years of experience in account management, customer service and accounting. The projects I worked were a very manual and spreadsheet heavy process without any project tools.
Workfront: In two sentences or less, how does your organization use Workfront?
Vanessa: Our organization uses Workfront to manage the creative and production process for member facing materials. Materials range from advertising, direct mail, print and digital applications.
Workfront: What is the Workfront accomplishment you are most proud of?
Vanessa: What I am most proud of is bringing automation to our clients who are responsible for sending us work. Using requests queue, reporting and proofing we are able to automate their entire process.
Workfront: How will being Workfront system admin certified change things for you?
Vanessa: My reporting skills have definitely been impacted for the better. Text mode reporting has become a very valuable solution in reporting that I couldn’t quite master beforehand. In addition to technical skills my confidence has also been changed. Having a group of admins I can bounce ideas off of or look to for solutions has been extremely valuable.
Workfront: If you could time travel and go back to tell your newbie-Workfront self anything, what would it be?
Vanessa: One day, people will be asking you the questions. Put in the time and it will pay off.
Workfront: What areas of work management do you consider yourself an expert in?
Vanessa: Timeline management, reporting, planning, workload balancer
Workfront: Finally, as a fun way to get to know you, when you get snacky and need a quick treat‚Äîwhat is your favorite “vice”?
Vanessa: I love Lays plain potato chips. But when I am feeling extra snacky I like to go through a new bag and pick out all of the folded ones. Those are the best. Then, I grate extra sharp cheddar cheese on top and munch away! I probably need to find a healthier snack….
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Look at you @Vanessa Tripp‚ ! Great to see you featured!
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Aw thanks @Debbie Scalf‚ ! I was so happy to be part of the program!
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