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Work users unable to view Hours recorded by other users - (now resolved)


Level 10
Hi - here is a scenario which is causing one of our key teams some issues....any suggestions would be apprecaited. :) We have the usual range of Work and Plan licensed users, working together on projects and logging time on tasks. If users go to the Hours tab of the project: The project owner (with a Plan license) is able to see all hours logged on the project. A regular user (with a Work license) can see the hours they have logged on tasks, but not the hours logged by other users. We would like the Work users to be able to see all of the hours logged on the project. I'm not talking about seeing a total value of Actual Hours, but for them to be able to see the individual hour entries (who, when, Hour Type, etc). Reading through all the documentation, the only way I can get the Work users to be able to see all the hour records is to given them Manage level access to the tasks. This is not ideal from a security point of view. Even if you assign the Work user as the project owner, they still can't see the hour records (not that we would likely do this anyway). Another alternative is that I could schedule an Hours report to run with my access level and email to them, but they really would like this info on demand - not once a day. The only other option I can think of (which is not acceptable) is to give them all Plan licenses with Timesheet administrative permissions. Any thoughts? Regards, David
4 Replies


Level 10
Hi, I've now come up with a workaround that seems to do the job. Here it is in case it helps anyone else: Create an Hour report with a view and grouping that suits. No need to filter it, unless you have a specific need. Edit the report settings and configure it to run with the permissions of a SysAdmin user. Perhaps set it to display 200 entries when run on a dashboard - up to you. Add the report to a dashboard. Customise the Project and Task tabs on the Work users' layout template and add the dashboard as a tab on every Project and Task they view. Remove the regular Hours tab for the Work users via their layout template. Still keen to hear if there are any better suggestions! Cheers, David.


Level 10
Hi: For these situations, we do a report. They can run the report on demand. I wouldn't schedule it, I'd just give them the link to the report, have them save it as a favorite, and viola! they can see the hours any time they want. I can't think of any way to give them the visibility you want through the Hours menu drop down. By the time you make the changes needed to give them that visibility, they can do all kinds of things not intended. Hope this helps! Eric


Level 7
We don't have the need to show that much detail for hours, but we do want our folks to see total hours per a task, so we put the actual hours on a Task View so the users can see all hours put toward a task (and we have it roll up to a top level task so they can also see the total hours put toward a project.)


Level 10
Thanks Greg - we already have the Actual Hours on the Tasks tab, which does give them some visibility but it's the detail broken down by hour type that they needed. Hi Eric - per my 2nd post, I created a report along the lines of your suggestion (using my permissions) on a dashboard and pinned it to the Project and Tasks tabs, without needing to change any sharing permissions or licenses. Seems to be working well so far. Thanks for your input, gents.