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WFPro Live 3 - Wed, Sep 25, 2019 1:00 PM


Level 10

Wed, Sep 25, 2019 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT

WFPro Tips: I'd like to show you how you can use column rules and a color scheme to highlight information most effectively. Then we'll jump into some text mode and look at how we can "crunch" data together from different fields into a single string.

Topic 1: My guest Doug Den Hoed, CEO of the AtAppStore, will be showing The Scoop, which is an AtApp package that exposes communication within your instance like never before. It's a fun, free package and it's easy to install so you won't want to miss it.

Topic 2: Doug and I will also be co-presenting WFPro Prioritize, an approach to prioritizing work that'll show you how you can get the most important work done first. With native reports and custom forms, you'll see your work in a whole new light!


United States: +1 (872) 240-3212

Access Code: 501-564-037


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6 Replies


Hi Narayan, Is there a calendar invite I can add so I don't forget about this? Thanks! Sarah Nau Dominium Inc.


Level 10

Well, iFrame widths failed in the WYSIWYG editor and I'm unable to edit the post's HTML. Here's the direct link to the WFPro Live Schedule for tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it!




Level 10

Good afternoon Community,

Thanks to everyone who could make it to WFPro Live 03 today. A special thanks to my guest speaker, @Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore, for his demonstrations of The Scoop and Prioritize. If anyone's interested in hearing what we discussed, you can catch Episode 03 on the WFPro YouTube channel.

Also, look out for the WFPro Live 04 announcement (or watch the schedule). Have a great rest of your week.




Level 10
Yes agree with @Sarah Nau ! WOuld be great to be included on a recurring meeting invite - I keep seeing these after the fact! Katherine Haven, PMP VP, Director, Business Technologies - PMO FCB


Level 10

Hey everyone,

Since it came up a couple of times, I just wanted to let you know that I've decided not to attempt to create a calendar invitation for several reasons.

First of all, creating a file that's completely disconnected from the operational system of record goes against everything I'm trying to accomplish through mastering Workfront. To create a file that's outdated the moment I share it in this community would create more work for me and confusion among participants in the event that things change, which they will.

Additionally, it's a recorded meeting that can be watched anytime you wish following the meeting. If you're interested in joining the discussion in an upcoming session, you're welcome to create a reminder and reference the Live Schedule for the latest date, time and topics of discussion so you can be there and be a part of the story. Since the schedule is driven by Workfront, the content couldn't be any more current and I couldn't be any happier with that. I've spent the greater part of 7 years eliminating tools with Workfront solutions, so I can be stubborn but it keeps me sane.




Level 10

Hey everyone,

As was promised in WFPro Live 3, I've uploaded a recording of the The Prioritize Bubble Chart Origin Story for anyone interested in learning more about the bubble chart we presented at this part of the session. In this video, @Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore and I review how Workfront's bubble chart is used to render prioritized and scheduled work in a telling visual display of bubbles on a grid.

Have a great weekend!
