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Using Sub-Groups for Organizational Purposes?


Level 10
Our Group lists are growing. We have instances where groups represent departments and users within departments have groups for request queue purposes. Anyone else using Sub Groups in a similar scenario? I'm thinking about using this function as a filing system to keep 'like' groups together. Any input on experiences would be helpful. Thanks.
4 Replies


Level 8
Hey Susan. Instead of using subgroups, we use Groups to represent our departments (which works well for reporting structures) & then we create Teams for request queues. It works really well for us. We just assign whoever we want to the team & then set up our request queues to route to that specific team. Let me know if you have any questions. Hope that helps.


Level 10

Hi, Brooke.

Only hangup, our request queues are isolated to certain Groups and certain individuals across the whole Workfront population. Only groups can be used to limit access. See attached.0690z000007ZjqYAAS.jpg


Level 8
Ours is set up the exact same way. We create the project for the request queue. We then create a routing rule. See attached screen shots. Hope this helps! In Reply to Susan Pfeil:
Hi, Brooke. Only hangup, our request queues are isolated to certain Groups and certain individuals across the whole Workfront population. Only groups can be used to limit access. See attached.